Saturday, May 25, 2019

Nickel and Dimed

As the main objective of this experiment was to determine that it is practically unrealistic for a deplorable skilled and low-wage female worker and a mavin obtain to earn enough m whizy in order to get proper lodging, fulfill necessary needs and support her children, the asidecome of her experiment in her give view was quite positive and satisfactory.Ehrenreich sp repeal one month in 3 different cities of the United States to determine the workplace conditions, wages, behavior of the employers regarding the low-wage and low skilled employees and she was succeederful in baringing out with a nearly real c beer experience thats why she was satisfied with her experience and bugger off in herself as an above average low skilled worker.The experiment undertaken by Ehrenreich was extremely successful in her own perspective beca utilize she razetually found out what she intended to. As she has discussed in her last chapter The Evaluation that all the three case studies explici tly reveal that it is extremely difficult for a low-wage worker to find proper lodgings with the current level of wages in the acres. She also found out that a single job is never enough for a low skilled worker to earn enough money in order to meet his/her end meets. Moreover the employers behavior is also highly disparaging.The employers design wicked techniques to keep the wages as low as possible and keep the employees in constant pressure so that they never get unionised against their unsporting interposition. (Ehrenreich) All these things make the life of a low-wage worker extremely difficult and demanding. According to her evaluation in all the three cities the rate of caparison surpassed the wages of the low-income employees making it virtually inconceivable to get proper lodgings. (Ehrenreich) So by keeping in mind that her objective was to finding out that it is impossible for a low-income wageworker to get proper lodgings and meet end meets, her experiment was extr emely successful in her own perspective also.She lavatory certain(prenominal)ly utter that she has met the objectives of her experiment as she has found out that lowest 20% of the workforce of the U.S. economy is in extremely difficult condition and their problems are so severe, so complex that it is also extremely difficult for them to overcome these problems or find better jobs even if they exist in their surroundings. (Ehrenreich) Her main objective was to determine the residual amid the lives of the high paid and low-wage workers, and that intimately of the needs of the high paid labor is met by the low paid and unskilled labor.In my own perspective the experiment carried out by Ehrenreich was highly successful. She presented us the true picture of the low-income Ameri baths lives and helps us realize the severity of the problems the low-income labor force faces during their jobs and in their workplace.She gives the living confirmation of the reality that it is virtually impossible for a low-wage worker to survive in these conditions and find a shelter for himself, especially if the worker is a single mother and she has to provide food and support to her siblings also. Thus the outcome of this experiment clearly indicates of its success. She proved that the employers exploit is so extreme in nature that even the dearth of the labor does non compel them to raise the wage, i.e. universal economic rules do not apply for these low-income labor. (Ehrenreich)As a learned member of order of magnitude I can use the knowledge of this book by making mountain realize that the so-called claim of a prosper and welfare America is alone a bluff and a slogan which moreover depicts the external shine and wealth of the corporate America. slice in the deep there are certain levels of the American economy and workforce, which suffers as much as any other workforce in a third world and developing country. We can use this book and the outcome of this research in order to find the solution, which go forth help us to eradicate the deprivation of the low-income workforce at the bottom of the U.S. economy.We can use this book to increase the awareness of the people some the sufferings of the low-income workers. We can use this knowledge to disclose the persecution of the corporate sector of their low-income employees and to persuade the employers to be run finished more than humane with their low-income employees and make the workplace a better place for them and raise their wages to a level which would practically make it possible for them to meet their end needs, but also to go ahead.The overall output of the experiment of Ehrenreich and the tone of the language of last chapter evaluation clearly indicates that the experiment was a complete success in the view of the author and she thinks that she has finally determined what she has sought through out her 3-month expedition. She finally came with the living proof of what she initially cla imed that it is virtually impossible for a low-skilled and low-income wageworker to earn enough money, by which they can get proper housing and meet their end meets and support their dependants like siblings or get medical treatment even when their lives and health is at stake.The book is a complete success in a readers perspective become it creates awareness of this unfair practice of the employers of the corporate America, who continue to insist on exploiting the low-wage workers and deprive them not only of their end needs but also from any prospect of acquiring ahead. Thus this book and the research in it is an important and helpful knowledge regarding the unfair class structure in the American Society.Works CitedEhrenreich, Barbara. plate and Dimed On (Not) Getting By in America. HoltPaperbacks. May 1, 2002.Nickel and DimedNickel and Dimed, written by Barbara Ehrenreich has been published in 2001 for the first time. This book explains and describes the condition of the working unretentive in United States in the 21st century. To pen this book the author who is a well-known journalist at the New York Times decides to experience organism a low-wage worker for a few months. She gives up her middle class life to become and live as a working poor. The author establishes a few rules at the beginning of her challenge much(prenominal) as not to go hungry or always having a car. But, except for those few exceptions she decides to go through the same life as her juvenile coworkers.She starts her experience in Florida then she goes to Maine and finally to Minnesota. Therefore, Nickel and Dimed describes the experiment and the troubles Ehrenreich had to go through while she was a working poor. She particularly accentuates on how humiliated and how sheepish people are of being poor. Shame and humiliation are essential themes of this book are explained and describe through different ways such as the fact that poor people are invisible or not esteem in their job s or not able to talk freely, or abused by their conductor even if they are drop.First of all, the author explains that the poor are invisible and how they tone of voice more or less it. Maids as an occupational convocation, are not visible, and when we are seen we are often sorry for it (99). The purporting of invisibility is normally one of the worst shadeings that a human being should feel. But according to Ehrenreich, the maids feel relieved when they are not seen. Other people are looking at them as cloddish people. They do not fit in the society. In fact, nowadays a person who does not use their brain in their work is not respected by others or by the upper classes.Holly, Ehrenreichs coworker and superstar, describes in chapter two the regard as and negative remarks people did to her when they know that she is a maid. She said, Were nothing to these people (100). Therefore, the poor are invisible in this society where the intellectual skills are valuable. They feel better when they are not noticed because they prefer to avoid the mean remarks from other. But, feeling invisible in their everyday life is a shame. They are human beings who need to be considered by others and integrated in a group to socialize as everyone else.Second of all, readers understand that low-wage workers are not respected in their job and this starts at the hiring process. While Ehrenreich tries to be hired at Wal-Mart in chapter three she explains that she has to go through psychological and medicine tests. The first test is not supposed to affect the decision of the managers but in fact it does. Roberta, her coworker takes it rancid to another room where, she says a computer will score it. After about ten minutes, shes back with alarming news Ive gotten three answers wrong (240).Corporations start to lie to their employees before hiring them. unhopeful wage people as B. Ehrenreich are not hired because of their quality or personality. The relation between the emplo yees and them is a computer. The corporation does not consider them. running(a) poor could be compared as animals that pass or fail a test before being bought. Those workers lose their self-esteem because of the lack of consideration they collar in their jobs. It is a perpetual humiliation to feel ignore by everyone. Third of all, Ehrenreich describes how employees are not allowed to talk to the customers.For example, when the author works at Hearthside her manager tells her, No chatting for you, girl. No fancy service ethic allowed for the serfs. Chatting with customers is for the good-looking young college-educated servers in the downtown capriccio and ceviche joints, the kids who can make $70-$100 a night (35). And Ehrenreich explains that she was not also allowed to talk to her coworkers while she was at Wal-Mart of certain subjects. And if she did, she could be fired. But, forbidding people to talk about certain subjects or to discuss with some of their coworkers is a violati on of the fundamental rights.In the authors experiences, readers understand that she has lost her humanity because freedom of speech is one of the fundamental rights that is expressed in the ordinary Declaration of Human Rights that was established in 1945 by the United Nations. Speaking is an advantage of men because we are the only species who can communicate. Losing this advantage makes the person feel like she is not even human anymore. He loses all his self-esteem and feels humiliated. Finally, Ehrenreich shows how the health of people is not respected in the low wage class.While the author works at The Maids we have the perfect description of this kind of humiliation because her manager Ted doesnt have much sympathy for illness, though one of our morning meeting was on the subject of working through it (87). He mistreats the authors friend and coworker, Holly who is pregnant and has to work to survive because she does not have any money. But Ted forces her to work in terri ble conditions. Holly cannot take a real lunch stag or a few days of vacation to rest even if she is extremely sick and tired because of her pregnancy.And if she takes her break without her managers approval she could be fired. She appears like a slave who is forced to do every task her manager assigns her even if Ted does not pay attention to the fact that she is sick. Therefore, Ehrenreich has to stand up and fight for her friend to have the permission to take a day off. But Ted would let a woman works even if he knows that she is about to be taken to the ER. I believe that a person who is sick cannot be forced to fight against her body. Unhealthy people should be helped and not employ as slaves.Therefore, this episode underlines how humiliating it is for a sick person to be forced to work. Holly in this episode becomes an animal who has to work even if she is physically unavailing to. Working poor are not only having money problems they also have to go through humiliation and shame in their everyday life. move to modify their social status is almost impossible when we understand how they are treated. They lose their self-esteem and do not trust themselves anymore. Therefore, they will not even try to change jobs.They are stuck in their own conditions. They are not considered as humans in their job. The low-wage workers are unsocialized because of their wages and are mentally sunk by their managers. Barbara Ehrenreich describes their situation in this book through her own experience to inform the world of their situation. In the 21st century in a country like United States, which is supposed to be the most powerful nation in the world, citizens cannot accept that others are treated like that. Low-wage workers need to be respected.Nickel and DimedNickel and Dimed, written by Barbara Ehrenreich has been published in 2001 for the first time. This book explains and describes the condition of the working poor in United States in the 21st century. To write th is book the author who is a well-known journalist at the New York Times decides to experience being a low-wage worker for a few months. She gives up her middle class life to become and live as a working poor. The author establishes a few rules at the beginning of her challenge such as not to go hungry or always having a car. But, except for those few exceptions she decides to go through the same life as her new coworkers.She starts her experience in Florida then she goes to Maine and finally to Minnesota. Therefore, Nickel and Dimed describes the experiment and the troubles Ehrenreich had to go through while she was a working poor. She particularly accentuates on how humiliated and how ashamed people are of being poor. Shame and humiliation are essential themes of this book are explained and described through different ways such as the fact that poor people are invisible or not respected in their jobs or not able to talk freely, or mistreated by their manager even if they are sick.F irst of all, the author explains that the poor are invisible and how they feel about it. Maids as an occupational group, are not visible, and when we are seen we are often sorry for it (99). The feeling of invisibility is normally one of the worst feelings that a human being should feel. But according to Ehrenreich, the maids feel relieved when they are not seen. Other people are looking at them as stupid people. They do not fit in the society. In fact, nowadays a person who does not use their brain in their work is not respected by others or by the upper classes.Holly, Ehrenreichs coworker and friend, describes in chapter two the mean and negative remarks people did to her when they know that she is a maid. She said, Were nothing to these people (100). Therefore, the poor are invisible in this society where the intellectual skills are valuable. They feel better when they are not noticed because they prefer to avoid the mean remarks from other. But, feeling invisible in their every day life is a shame. They are human beings who need to be considered by others and integrated in a group to socialize as everyone else.Second of all, readers understand that low-wage workers are not respected in their job and this starts at the hiring process. While Ehrenreich tries to be hired at Wal-Mart in chapter three she explains that she has to go through psychological and drug tests. The first test is not supposed to affect the decision of the managers but in fact it does. Roberta, her coworker takes it off to another room where, she says a computer will score it. After about ten minutes, shes back with alarming news Ive gotten three answers wrong (240).Corporations start to lie to their employees before hiring them. Low wage people as B. Ehrenreich are not hired because of their quality or personality. The relation between the employees and them is a computer. The corporation does not consider them. Working poor could be compared as animals that pass or fail a test before b eing bought. Those workers lose their self-esteem because of the lack of consideration they receive in their jobs. It is a perpetual humiliation to feel ignore by everyone. Third of all, Ehrenreich describes how employees are not allowed to talk to the customers.For example, when the author works at Hearthside her manager tells her, No chatting for you, girl. No fancy service ethic allowed for the serfs. Chatting with customers is for the good-looking young college-educated servers in the downtown capriccio and ceviche joints, the kids who can make $70-$100 a night (35). And Ehrenreich explains that she was not also allowed to talk to her coworkers while she was at Wal-Mart of certain subjects. And if she did, she could be fired. But, forbidding people to talk about certain subjects or to discuss with some of their coworkers is a violation of the fundamental rights.In the authors experiences, readers understand that she has lost her humanity because freedom of speech is one of the f undamental rights that is expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that was established in 1945 by the United Nations. Speaking is an advantage of men because we are the only species who can communicate. Losing this advantage makes the person feel like she is not even human anymore. He loses all his self-esteem and feels humiliated. Finally, Ehrenreich shows how the health of people is not respected in the low wage class.While the author works at The Maids we have the perfect description of this kind of humiliation because her manager Ted doesnt have much sympathy for illness, though one of our morning meeting was on the subject of working through it (87). He mistreats the authors friend and coworker, Holly who is pregnant and has to work to survive because she does not have any money. But Ted forces her to work in terrible conditions. Holly cannot take a real lunch break or a few days of vacation to rest even if she is extremely sick and tired because of her pregnan cy.And if she takes her break without her managers approval she could be fired. She appears like a slave who is forced to do every task her manager assigns her even if Ted does not pay attention to the fact that she is sick. Therefore, Ehrenreich has to stand up and fight for her friend to have the permission to take a day off. But Ted would let a woman works even if he knows that she is about to be taken to the ER. I believe that a person who is sick cannot be forced to fight against her body. Unhealthy people should be helped and not used as slaves.Therefore, this episode underlines how humiliating it is for a sick person to be forced to work. Holly in this episode becomes an animal who has to work even if she is physically unable to. Working poor are not only having money problems they also have to go through humiliation and shame in their everyday life. Trying to modify their social status is almost impossible when we understand how they are treated. They lose their self-esteem and do not trust themselves anymore. Therefore, they will not even try to change jobs.They are stuck in their own conditions. They are not considered as humans in their job. The low-wage workers are unsocialized because of their wages and are mentally destroyed by their managers. Barbara Ehrenreich describes their situation in this book through her own experience to inform the world of their situation. In the 21st century in a country like United States, which is supposed to be the most powerful nation in the world, citizens cannot accept that others are treated like that. Low-wage workers need to be respected.

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