Saturday, May 18, 2019

4 Paragraphs Essay

-My room is in a mess because I had a party with my best friends last night. I have to plunk my room before my mom arrives from work. The underwear is hanging on the lamp, my books are all jammed in the closet, the scarf is beneath the TV and my shoe is under the bed.-We have the best cafeteria, they offer different reference of foods, the food menu is so big it consists of Arabian, Indian, American, Mexican and Chinese food. They have a special Indian dish called Chicken Tekka Masala its a dish of roasted chicken chunks in a spicy sauce. eat Burritos is a special Mexican food that contains Eggs, bacon, salsa, sour cream and cheddar cheese wrapped in a flour tortilla, hot sauce is optional. My favorite dish in the cafeteria menu is Shawarma, its an Arabian food made with chicken and bread.See more Distinguish between problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping leaven-David is a dangerous driver, I hate the way he drives the car, he either drive alike slow or too fast. One day we were in the Himalayan mountains, he was behind the steerage driving uphill, he was driving so fast we almost fell of the cliff. The way he brakes the car is so scary, it reminds me of how my grandmother drives.Neighbors are so important if they are willing to help you in time of need. My favorite neighbor is Mrs. Shirley , I remember the day when the government cut off our water, she was the initiative one there to help us, she even offered us to stay at her place. She is so generous and I like the way she hosts me.

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