Monday, May 6, 2019

Is Disability a Medical or Social Concern Essay

Is Disability a Medical or Social come to - Essay ExampleMental health problems have been around us as long as at that place has been a acceptance of mental health discrepancies. In the modern world, many of the stigmas and sociable problems connected with mental health dreads have been overcome by the people but still a consider remains to be done before we can arrive at a position where there is no social stigma associated with mental disabilities (Fernando, 1995). In fact, whilst it would be logical to assume that stigmatisation and the social issues are limited to the general population, in reality the stigmatisation can also be observe amongst doctors, nurses and social workers who are not supposed to be have such issues.Such as case was remark by Happell where one of the mentally disabled individuals she was working with received a negative remark from an official. She says that, The remark, which was do in an official capacity, questioned, perhaps even refuted, one of the most basic human rights for people diagnosed with a mental illness (Happell, 2005, Pg. 1). The remark came from someone in an official capacity which goes to show that negative stereotypes and stigmatization of those with mental disabilities continues despite laws made to protect them.The reasons why disabilities issues are a social concern are quit complex since there a number of influences which make them so. It is certainly a matter of concern that despite of the progress we have made, there are still problems that remain when it comes to dealing with cases where individuals have impairment problems.

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