Thursday, October 10, 2019

What Russia completely backwards as a Country

Was Russia a backwards country? Many things held Russia behind as a country compared to the other great powers Like Britain, France and Germany. One thing that held the country back was Serfdom. Russian's population as made up from 80% Serfs and the majority of Serfs owned no land. Serfs produced little export because the food that they harvested was Just enough to feed them and their families. This held the country back because little Income was coming into the country to fund an Industrial revolution.By 1855 only Russia out of the great powers still had serfs. Serfs were also made to live In Emir's which again hindered the country and the Industrial revolution because less people traveled to the big cities to become workers In the factories because serfs had to ask permission from the elders to leave the Emir's. Russia was behind in the Industrial revolution compared to the other great powers of Europe like Britain who started there industrial revolution by the end of the 18th cent ury.Another thing that held Russia back was Autocratic state. The Tsar was in complete control of Russia and had no one to answer to when making his decisions on what happened with his country. The country had no real parliament as only one was ever formed by Alex II but was then removed by his son Alex Ill after his assassination. This was unlike Britain and France who were ruled by the government at this time. However Russia was much like Germany at this time which was ruled by a Kaiser Wilhelm II.Since Russia had no real parliament Russia was stuck with the conservative ideas of Tsar and his ministers. There are however reasons to suggest the Russia wasn't completely backwards as a country. Alexander II did make reforms for example the emancipation f the serfs and the setting up of Russian's very first government, even though this government was very limited to only the rich and educated men it was a step in the right direction for Russia.Russia also had the Trans-Siberian railwa y which the country was very proud of, which suggests that the country was advancing. However It was still behind countries like Britain which had Railway systems since Manama years before the railway was extended In the sass In Russia. The size of the Russia empire also suggests the advancement of Russia as Russia was able to keep the arrest continuous land empire In the world covering a sixth of the world's surface.Russia during the end of the 19th century and to the beginning of the 20th century as a country was clearly advancing with the extension of the railway and the attempt at reform however the country could not advance quick enough to match that of Brutal and France due to the conservative attitude of the autocratic leaders of Russia Itself. What Russia completely backwards as a Country 1881? By Astrologically like Britain, France and Germany. One thing that held the country back was Serfdom. Income was coming into the country to fund an industrial revolution.By 1855 only Russia out of the great powers still had serfs. Serfs were also made to live in Emir's which again hindered the country and the industrial revolution because less people traveled to the big cities to become workers in the factories because serfs had to ask it was still behind countries like Britain which had Railway systems since Manama years before the railway was extended in the sass in Russia. The size of the Russia largest continuous land empire in the world covering a sixth of the world's surface. Britain and France due to the conservative attitude of the autocratic leaders of Russia itself.

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