Thursday, October 17, 2019

Eliade Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Eliade - Assignment Example This hierophany can be witnessed in the Jesus Christ himself who is a personification of God himself. According to him the sacred only reveals himself to the reality of holy and not that of natural reality. Eliade clearly distinguishes between an objects physical attributes and sacred attributes. He states that the sacred nature of objects is not to be counted as a physical attribute but rather a sacred attribute which he pronounces to be ganz andere. He tells about the sacred as something which is developing world order and is religious. He tells about nature as something which is conforming to the modes of sacredness. He differentiates between sacred and profane on the basis of the followers of both the existence. Individuals who believe in profane rely on natural realities rather than on sacredness and power is perceived by them as something which is eternal. In other words these followers are deviating from the role of existence in this world. Eliade describes the primitive race to be belonging to this world with natural realities and who deny their moral rights. These followers do not have a moral right to existence in this world as put by Eliade. He further concludes that profane and sacred are two different modes of existence in this world. 3. Mircea Eliade calls humankind â€Å"homo religious.† By homo religious Eliade is trying to tell that people in this world who follow this form believe in one religion and one god irrespective of their beliefs in profane or sacred. This is the very reason that Eliade distinguishes between the two forms of existence i.e. profane and sacred. 4. (a.) Desacralized cosmos† is used by the author to tell about the myth of the end of this world and existence. It is believed by him that this end would be marked by the hatred for profane and the eternal return of sacred to this world. (b.) â€Å"homogeneity of space† the author uses this term to signify

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