Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cost Accounting Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cost Accounting - Case Study Example Thus for a manager, who has an authoritative style of leadership like the said CEO, could get things even without consulting managers or employees who can can readily agree. However, the budgeting process should theoretically and practically require participation from middle and even lower managers to be effective. Managers may not just be working for their pay. They are also human beings who would prefer that their contribution to the organization should also be recognized and valued by management by making them part of the decision-making process. Although a chief executive officer must plan, organize and controls activities, at the same time he must also lead people in the organization toward attainment of objectives. As manager, he influences his subordinates, who cannot be presumed to lack creativity. Subordinates or followers may even contribute for the improvement of the plan because at the planning stage the CEO can sense possible problems that they have and strategies on how to counter them can become material part of the budget process. A typical organization has functional areas or departments with conflicting interests and priorities as the process essentially requires making an optimum use of the limited resources. The budget process entails managers to use resources which are tied with activities and that are needed to attain set objectives. If the middle and lower managers are not consulted in budget process, they would most probably not support fully the goals per budget as set by the CEO. It must be noted that a good CEO is good delegator (ZweigWhite ,2010) and this is the essence of an organization person. Setting the goals and just telling his subordinates to strive for their attainment would be an act of lack of trust to his lower managers. If the said CEO realizes that his people would prefer to decide with him, working with the

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