Friday, June 7, 2019

The 3 stages of memory Essay Example for Free

The 3 stages of keeping EssaySensory Memory is the soonest stage of memory. Information from our surroundings is stored for a short period of season for auditory nurture.Short-Term Memory is information that we are aware of or information that we specify close to. Most of the information that is stored in our short-term memory for a longer period of time than the Sensory Memory.Long-Term Memory has information that is mostly outside of our awareness and digest be c altogethered into our working memory to be used when needed. Some information can easily be recalled while different information cannot.Knowing how our memory works can help us learn better by writing vote down our theorys so that we dont forget them. For instance, during my down time at work, I may decide to work on a discussion question and can easily get distracted by questions from my teammates or writing out an email. It would be to my advantage to write down what Im thinking at the moment and refer to it when I need it.From the study that I agree taken in the text on page 212. It stated that I was mainly and sound type of learner. I can see where they can get this as a results for the study and I do agree that I do round of my learning from hearing what is being said about a task that I am doing, But I would charter to say that I do not really agree with the study. I greet that I am a visual learner, I do my best work If I deplete some one to show me what types of things that need to be done for a certain task. If I had to go along with the study because I do think that maybe half of my task skills come from earreach to a task. I think that I would use it at all times. I know when I am working I would use this memory style to work with the patients that I am looking after that day and every day, there are also the nurses and other staff that I am working around.I think that there are people that like towork in certain ways and having the memory this will help to blab with them to know that their likes and dislikes are. This will help me to improve my skill and help make the people around me and the patients happy to want to be working with me. Also exploitation these skills for school will be a big thing for me because there are things that I have to know to complete the task that are cod for my assignments. With the sound memory skills I think that this would be better for me because there are a lot of task that I have went through that have a video of some sort to listen to so that I can gather information.This is helping because I can focus on what some one is saying so that I can get the information that I am going to need for that assignment or for the course. I think that there are a lot of different ways that I use to learn and listening to some one explain things is one of my skills. I think that that I have a good memory and I am a fast learner so I think with all my skills put together I have a easier time at learning the skills that I a m going to need to learn.I have well-read so many things in my life by observing someone else doing it, but the one that stays in my mind is learning how to rally. I cogitate watching my father turn the wheel, keep it steady, and watched his foot hit the gas petal as well as the brake. I use to practice cause by sitting in a chair with a plate and turn it right, left, and steady. Since I watched my father drive for many years I thought it was my time to show them what I have learned without taking any lessons. Everyone was so impressed with what I knew by only watching my father drive and without any help from a seasoned driver. You can learn a lot just from watching another person, and I am proof of that. paying attention really pays off and saves a lot of time.The difference between classical and operant teach is that classical is more the natural behavior of a subject when exposed to a specific arousal whereas operant conditioning tries to create a certain reaction by usin g certain stimulants. The repartee of the subject in classical conditioning is not learned it is just what comes naturally in a situation, however, the stimulus added to the equation then makes the subject have the same effect to only the stimulus. Operant conditioning aims to produce the desired reaction of the subject by using reinforcement or punishment. One slip of operant conditioning is when I first got my Pomeranian and was paper training her. We had to watch her constantly and whenever she went on the pad we laid out for her we would reward her with a, Good girl, and a treat.When she failed to make it on the pad, we would scold her and make her sit there while we cleaned up the mess. After a few weeks, she was able to successfully go on her pad whenever she needed to go even if we were not there to praise her. An example of classical training is similar to my other example. My friend had already expert his dog to go outside to use the bathroom however, she would just sit t here until someone saw her so if everyone was in another room she could have been sitting there for hours. He installed a cow bell at the bottom of the door and when he noticed her sitting at the door, he would overwork the bell himself to ring it and then open the door for her. Eventually she realized that the ringing of the bell meant that the door was going to open.Classical conditioning occurs when a controlled stimulus is offered to elicit a response. In the case of Pavlovs dogs, the bell elicited salvation. This was only after Pavlov fed the dogs after each time he rang the bell. The rules of classical conditioning are that1. A controlled stimulus must be presented before an uncontrolled stimulus. 2. The controlled stimulus and the uncontrolled stimulus have to be timed closely together. 3. The neutral stimulus has to be partnered with the uncontrolled stimulus many times before the conditioning can happen. 4. The controlled stimulus is unique from the other stimulus.When I was younger I would only drink Dr Pepper. When I got pregnant with my first child, Dr Pepper started making me queasy. After several months of realizing I was feeling sick to my stomach every time I drank Dr Pepper, I quit drinking it. To this day I will get sick to my stomach if I drink Dr Pepper.

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