Sunday, June 2, 2019

Animal Farm, 1984 Essays -- Animal Farm Essays

Animal arise and 1984Napoleon, the leader of all the animals of the Rebellion, can be compared and contrasted with titanic Brother, the leader of all the people of 1984. Both Big Brother and Napoleon show the qualities of a cruel ruler. Similar to Big Brother, Napoleon is a secretive plotter who works behind the scenes rather than openly. However, contrary Napoleon, Big Brother periodically appears on the television screen. Napoleon and Big Brother both work continually to weaken their rivals, whether it is by removing Snowball or eliminate Rutherford. Both place importance on complicated ceremonies and parades to prevent their workers from thinking about their schemes. Napoleons control over animal farm is not as powerful as Big Brothers control over the workers in 1984 (Oceania). In the service of their ruler, Squealer and Winston both revise history. Winstons task at the Ministry of Truth is to alter the past to suit the present. Squealers duty is to amend the Seven Commandmen ts also to suit the present. However, Squealer supports the views and beliefs of Napolean wheras Winston does not support the rules of Big Brother. Parson and meat packer are both characterized by their willingness to work, constantly volunteering for work whenever something needed to be done. Boxer worked constantly to build the windmill and Parson worked endlessly organizing marches and parades. formulation for Hate Week was described a "Processions, meetings, military parades, lectures, film shows,...

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