Friday, May 15, 2020

Analysis Of Alison Bechdels Fun Home - 1350 Words

In Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home, the author enlightens us with her struggles in determining her gender identity and sexuality. She does this in a very unique fashion. Alison, throughout the novel, uses specific pieces of literature and writing in order for the reader to decipher her true emotions and feelings toward her sexuality. On top of that, Bechdel writes her story in order to show how these objects play a much deeper role between not only comprehending her sexuality, but her understanding of her choppy relationship with her father. The end result is a series of connections that bring the two closer together than they ever were. Alison begins to question her sexuality in the third chapter of the novel. She discusses how her†¦show more content†¦Once the reader is able to fully realize that Bruce is a homosexual, her perfectionism abruptly makes more sense. Clearly, Bruce is using his dedication towards the Fun Home as a way to hide away his true feelings towards hi s sexuality. This would explain why he also tries to get Alison to be more feminine, because he doesn’t want her to be in that phase of confusion and not being able to fully come out. Going back to the scene with the phone call, because Alison has fully come out as being a lesbian, we now understand why Bruce acted so accepting of the realization. Another book that plays a role in this central theme of confusion towards one’s true identity is The Catcher in the Rye. While the novel has many examples of books with hidden uncovering messages, the most prominent in my opinion is The Catcher in the Rye. In the scene where The Catcher in the Rye is mentioned, Alison is in her father’s english class and she’s the only person answering his questions. What’s interesting is that when her father initially asks her to read the book, she responds that she’ll do it â€Å"after I put you in the nursing home† (Bechdel 198). While it seems that Aliso n is going to chose not to read the book in order to resent her father, in the very next panel she’s answering all of his questions. Her father is impressed and tells her that she’s â€Å"the only one in that class worth teaching† and Alison responds with â€Å"It’s the only class I have worth taking† (BechdelShow MoreRelatedFun, Electrate, Autistic, Obsessive Home Essay1169 Words   |  5 Pagesinvention comes at a cost, but that does not necessarily mean the reward will not significantly outweigh it. Alison Bechdel’s â€Å"Fun Home† has an electrate quality through, not just the images, but the writing style and using obtuse meanings within her illustrations, that seem to enable a new learning style, supported by ‘disorders’ such as autism and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). â€Å"Fun Home† uses both text and graphics to recount the author’s life. 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