Monday, September 23, 2019

Critical Reflection on Assessment Process Assignment

Critical Reflection on Assessment Process - Assignment Example For the second assignment, I extended what I had done for the first one by adding further assessment techniques (such as the group discussions, portfolio and self assessment rubrics) and taking a more critical look at their advantages and disadvantages. I reached my conclusions by simulating or projecting mentally the outcomes of using these assessment methods in the light of the specific objectives chosen. I also extended my application of the information on the assessment methods beyond the simpler learning objectives of the first assignment, to focus on more diverse objectives and the acquisition of various capabilities.Critical reflections in terms of usefulnessE. The most useful parts for my learning on this course were the discussions among students, sometimes facilitated by a member of the teaching staff, concerning the material, its usefulness and how it should be applied. I would encourage the systematic inclusion of a debate (or "mini-debate") in each lecture or class where possible. This ensures a real-life aspect to what we are doing.The least useful parts for my learning were certain lectures that lacked interactivity. This is linked to my comments above. Being spoon-fed theory does not allow you to test and apply the information so easily for what is after all a practically oriented subject.F. The most useful parts for my products were that the first product (first assignment) was a good way for me to benefit from the mistakes that I made. The products helped each other. as I could then do more with the second one, thanks to the first one. The first assignment allowed me to really understand the main questions of this course: what is assessment; why do we assess people, either students or teachers; and what allows us to do a successful assessment. In the second one I learnt more on designing and planning for good assessments. The least useful parts for my products were some of the academic texts that were cited. Although it is important for logical arguments to be well grounded in established data, assessment is a practical science as well. As such, once the underlying theory is established, the value (in my opinion) is in applying it and making it perform in real life, rather than taking one more step "backward" into the realms of academia. Recommendations that I would make and the reasons for making them. G. For future students regarding the assignment preparation, I would recommend consulting the assessment experiences of different educational organizations, for example, by visiting their websites. They often have relevant and focused comments on what works and what doesn't work in specific environments which adds a practical dimension to the theory discussed in the course. If a student has some weakness in English, like me, then I suggest revising the particular

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