Monday, September 30, 2019
E-Business and E-Commerce
INTRODUCTION E-Business is important in future perspectives considering that the amount of trade conducted electronically have grown extraordinarily since the spread of the Internet. E-bussiness uses the internet and other networks as well as a variety of Internet technologies to support e-commerce and business processes. It includes e-commerce, which is the buying and selling of products or services over the Internet. The Internet and related technologies have changed the way businesses are operated and people work. I.E-BUSINESS A. What is it Many businesses today are using Internet technologies to conduct business processes over the Internet. E-business can be defined as the use of the Internet and other networks, as well as Internet technologies to work and facilitate business processes, electronic commerce and enterprise collaboration within a company and with its customers, suppliers and business partners. Generally, any online exchange of information, money, resources and servi ces is a part of e-business. B. E-business infrastructureE-business infrastructure made up of a variety of components. It includes hardware, softwares, support services, human capital and telecommunication networks. Examples of hardware are computers, servers and routers. Human capital, such as information system specialists and programmers, is important to operate e-business processes. In addition, many companies use networks such as intranet that is a private network inside a company for managers and employees, and extranet, which links a company with its customers, suppliers and business partners outside the company.Other companies use a virtual private network (VPN) which provides a private line through the internet. It uses the public Internet backbone as a channel for private data communication (3:20). Thus, a VPN allows remote offices, business partners and customers to use the Internet, rather than expensive private lines, to reach company networks by using tunneling softwar e. This software encrypts data and then sends the data to their destination. II. E-COMMERCE A. What is itE-commerce is the buying, selling, marketing and servicing of products, services and information over the Internet and other networks. Many businesses use the Internet, intranet and extranet to support the commercial processes including advertising, sales, customer support and Internet security. Most advertisements on the Web are in the form of sending e-mails and banner ads, which is in shape of a long horizontal rectangle on the top of the Web page (3:10). These advertisements could attract a huge number of visitors to the advertised Web site.E-commerce website must help customers to welcome and serve them personally and efficiently in order to increase customer loyalty. B. E-commerce advantages and disadvantages E commerce has several advantages. For sellers, e-commerce is an effective way to reduce costs and enlarge their markets. They cut additional labor cost and they do no t need to print and distribute mail order catalogs. In addition, e -commerce allows customers to compare prices at different websites.Then, they make purchases at their homes at any time. E-commerce websites offer variety of products for example electronic books, music files and computer softwares. However, e-commerce has some disadvantages. Consumers are not willing to buy some products over the Internet because of security and quality concerns. Online furniture businesses, for example, have failed because customers want to test the comfort of an expensive item such as sofa before they purchase it (1:1).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Operation Torch
Reasons for Initiating Operation Torch – – The Allies planned to occupy Vichy France to prevent the land from being occupied by Axis; the invasion would eventually force Axis powers to fight a two-front war; also helped to diminish transportation of supplies to Axis forces; Key Personalities (Involvements) – – General Dwight D. Eisenhower – – Jean Francois Darlan – – Andrew Cunningham – Objective(s) of Operation Torch – – Allies planned to team up with Vichy France in North Africa in order to take Tunisia before Germans could occupy it from nearby Sicily.After invading North Africa and convincing the French to join the Allies, American and British forces planned to head directly to Sicily, invade, and move up to the core of Europe. Victory here would also allow the Allies to clear up the Mediterranean of Axis forces for their own personal use. Important Readings – from Earl Rice’s â€Å"Strate gic Battles in Europe†. . . – page 24: The Americans joined their British allies. Roosevelt's military advisers wanted to build up immediately for an invasion of the European mainland later in the year or early in 1943.Churchill and his counselors declared that an invasion of the continent so soon would be next to impossible because of insufficient time to assemble the necessary forces and too few available landing craft in which to haul them across the English Channel. Churchill and his advisors did not want to risk a failed invasion. – page 25: Churchill instead favored extending operations in North Africa, where British forces were already fighting. he argued that seizing North Africa and beyond would introduce American troops to the action, boost American morale and appease Stalin's demands for a second front.But Roosevelt's advisors were unreceptive to Churchill's plan and suggested redirecting U. S efforts to the Pacific Theater. In June 1942, Churchill to ld Roosevelt that Britain was both unable and unwilling to undertake the invasion of Europe in 1942 or even in 1943. Having already been driven from Norway, France and Greece by the Germans, the British (now page 26) intended to stay the next time they landed on the Continent. – page 26: Roosevelt accepted Churchill's proposal. Torch’s primary objective was to take Tunisia before the Germans could occupy it from nearby Sicily.The Anglo-American invasion force in the west would then move eastward to link up with Lieutenant General Bernard L. Montgomery’s British 8th army, advancing westward through Libya. Together the 2 Allied armies would form a vise within which to crush Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s 100,000-man German-Italian army in Libya, including his vaunted Afrika Korps. But first they had to deal with the French. https://www. diigo. com/list/audreym96/operation-torch SOURCE and Earl Rices â€Å"Stategic Battles in Europe†; Even though Stalin required that the Allies attack somewhere in Europe, Operation Torch was successful: the Allies gained a wide amount of land and the Suez Canal was saved. So what’s the importance of the Suez Canal, huh? The Suez Canal provided a short sea route between Britain and Middle East oil supplies, and its imperial colonies in Asia and the Far East. It enabled the Allies to move supplies,men,equipment,fuel,and raw materials around the world to where they were needed much more quickly than if they had had to sail around the southern tip of Africa,which would have made them much more vulnerable to U-boat attack.Why the British cared SO much about North Africa? – When the second World War broke out, there were many soldiers from many different nations in Cairo. The Italians were there, but there were really no serious attempts to help Mussolini by them. The only real enemies in Cairo were the Germans. The British secret police watched them very carefully. There was a political r aid in which the British caught German spies that had come to Cairo with money, a radio transmitter and a house boat on the Nile.Because the English were unable to ship all of their supplies in from Britain, they trained and employed thousands of Egyptians in various trades. Some were mechanics, electricians, drivers, engineers and even lens grinders. They repaired military equipment and even built trains and machinery. Egypt started to weave their own cloth out of silk and wool. Advances were made in mining, cement, petroleum refining and chemical industries. In Egypt, the British spent over ten million pounds every year. In July of 1942, the British were pushed back almost to Alexandria.Rommel stopped at Alamein because his troops were exhausted and almost out of supplies. The British rushed to Cairo. Soldiers were sent to various places to train while other got ready to retreat from the city. The British officers went to the banks to try to get their money while at the British he adquarters, vital papers were burned. This scare changed Cairo to a point where it would never be the same again. Montgomery took over the Eighth Army in the desert and moved them to Alamein. He won this battle in October or November of 1942.After this battle, Egypt lost most of the fantasy and glamour that had been year during the years of occupation. Now the city settled down to the first order of business, national liberation. http://www. touregypt. net/hbritish. htm SOURCE ALGERIA AND MOROCCO – http://www. ushmm. org/wlc/en/article. php? ModuleId=10007303 Operation Torch, the Algeria-Morocco military campaign, began on November 8, 1942, and ended on November 11, 1942. US and British forces, commanded by American General Dwight D. Eisenhower, carried out this campaign.Three task forces landed on the beaches near Casablanca on the Moroccan Atlantic Coast; near Oran in western Algeria; and near Algiers, more than 250 miles to the east in Algeria. Although Vichy French forces initially resisted, a coup d'etat by the French resistance in Algiers on November 8 neutralized the French XIX Corps before the Allied landing. General Mark Clark, Eisenhower's deputy, induced Admiral Jean Francois Darlan, Vichy High Commissioner for North Africa, and General Alphonse Juin, the commander of the Vichy French armed orces in North Africa, to order French forces to cease armed resistance in Oran and Morocco on November 10–11. In return for his cooperation, Darlan temporarily remained head of the French administration as the French forces in North Africa joined the Allies. The Allied landings triggered the German occupation of the unoccupied zone of France and the rapid dispatch of German troops to Tunisia. To avoid capture of their Mediterranean Fleet by the Germans, the Vichy French scuttled it in the harbors of Toulon on November 27, 1942. By the end of November, the Allies had crossed the Tunisian border in the northwest.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
12 Angry Men
12 Angry Men Essay Twelve Angry Men is a classic movie depicting how one determined leader can alter an entire crowd. Through dedication, curiosity, and the pursuit for the truth he is able to persuade a group of twelve to second guess even themselves. Within this heterogynous group are a dozen different personalities some of which were leaders and most of which were not. The strongest leader in this movie by far is the Architect in the White Suit. Right off from the beginning at the original vote the Architect stated clearly his position in the matter. Against the rest of the group he strongly held his ground and fought for what he believed. Most people in his position would have changed their opinion immediately after realizing that he was completely outnumbered. However he continued to argue his points and reiterate the reasons why evidence needed to be questioned. His mind was simply brilliant. As he sat there listening to the other jurors reasoning he always found a way to prove them wrong or make them question themselves. Whether it was through logic, mathematical reasoning, or questioning of evidence he seemed to always wow the other jurors. His strength as a leader is that he is a natural born one. He wasnt trying to look smart or impress anyone. He simply was doing what he was born to do. He used both pushing and pulling tactics to influence his peers. His strongest tactic was the usage of rational persuasion. While other jurors were able to dismiss facts without consideration, he immediately noted a potential fault. Through the analysis of facts he was able to convince others to reconsider. One of the most notable discrepancies he proved was that of the witness across the street. Through common noises, known train speeds, and common knowledge he proved that the witness was anything but one. The architect also uses inspirational appeal to convince his colleagues. He makes the other jurors consider the humanity of the situation. A mans life is at stake and he realizes the impact that his decision as well the rest of theirs will have on the man. The importance of values is portrayed. Likewise he keeps his own position non-emotional stating that he will concur with the group about the guilt, but only if they can convince him that he should. Additionally, he uses consultation to try to help the group to come to a consensus. He seeks group participation to make the ultimate decision. Whereas others are set in their opinion perhaps based on the social normality of it (I.e. to fit in with the rest of the group), he is out to find the true belief of the individual juror. As with the inspirational appeal, he expresses his willingness to modify his decision based on what they discuss. Another influential leader is the Angry Father. He acted as the leader for the people who believed the defendant was guilty. He, like the Architect, is a natural born leader. He loudly argued his opinions about the case and refused to back down from his stance. Even in the end when he was completely out numbered he fought for his belief despite the persuasion of others. He couldnt care less what they thought of him. He was there to do his job and wouldnt be easily influenced by others. He perhaps was influenced by the pulling tactics. He used the tactics of legitimating. He tried to convince the group that they were there to protect democracy. A man had committed murder and needed to be punished for it. He was so overshadowed by the rules that he missed the humanity in the situation. He was in effect referencing the higher authority and the rules that needed to be followed. The government says that a murderer must be punished and he was going to see to it. He also uses pushing tactics with pressure. He threateningly reminds the other that a murder has occurred and that the accused must be punished. READ: The struggle for personal identity Essay He makes them feel guilty when they even consider for a moment that the accused may be not at fault. When the jurors slowly change their minds he becomes very defensive and tries to make the .
Friday, September 27, 2019
Guidlines for communication in simulated business of a food truck Research Paper
Guidlines for communication in simulated business of a food truck - Research Paper Example In order to achieve success with an average pace of sales, it is significant that tricky or overly set-out statements are not used while communicating (Ober, 2007). Secondly, there needs to be a clear adjuration between the verbal and non-verbal communication. For instance, if the jargon is being used in a simple manner then the non-verbal elements such as logo and symbol must also be created with a simplistic approach (Ober, 2007). Since food truck business is one of the widely used model for food business, it is estimated that majority of them are remembered by the white noise. In simpler words, it can be well stated that the customers of the food trucks remember specific brands by their slogans and themes. Therefore, it is imperative to create a slogan or a tune that allows the customers to get attracted. Business theorists consider it as a way to allow customers to memorize your brand
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Gulf War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Gulf War - Essay Example By the 6th of August, 1990, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait’s neighbour, realised that the situation was dangerous if Hussein attempted any more invasions and asked for the help of United States of America (USA).The USA immediately sent troops to Kuwait. The United Nations (UN) strongly condemned the invasion of Kuwait and gave Hussein a deadline of 16th January 1991 by which to retreat from Kuwait. Coalition troops from several countries were sent in by air the day after this deadline expired and later on 24th February 1991, ground attacks were launched. It was met by resistance from the Iraqis and several thousands were killed. On the 28th of February, all military operations were halted and a ceasefire declared. In the days that followed, Iraqi units were allowed to leave Kuwait. Negotiations between the coalition countries and Hussein allowed to stay in power but economic and trade sanctions were imposed on Iraq. No-fly zones were established and Iraq’s weapons program came un der inspection by the UN. Iraq accepted all the terms of the ceasefire and the war officially ended on the 3rd of March, 1991.
Thermoregulation in Desert Lizards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Thermoregulation in Desert Lizards - Essay Example Among ectotherms, lizards inhabiting tropical regions are most likely to be affected since biodiversity in their habitats are most affected (Meek 1). Change in temperatures affects lizards in terms of thermoregulation mechanisms, energy expenditure, as well as biological activity. Investigation on how temperature changes, caused by global warming, are affecting lizards is of utmost importance especially considering that lizards are at a high risk of extinction. According to Huey et al, â€Å"Forest lizards are key components of tropical ecosystems, but appear vulnerable to the cascading physiological and ecological effects of climate warming, even though rates of tropical warming may be relatively low†(Huey et al 1939-1940). This paper explores the effect of global warming on thermoregulation mechanisms of lizards. Strategies to Thermoregulation of Desert Lizard According to theories of evolution, thermoregulatory mechanisms in many species especially reptiles has evolved wit h time in response to changing climatic conditions (Huey et al 1939-1942). Changes in climatic conditions cause increase in temperature variations forcing lizards to adopt both biological and behavioral temperature regulation mechanisms in order to cope with changing weather conditions. According to Meek, â€Å"The evolution of thermoregulatory behavior in reptiles almost certainly arose because environments are not usually thermally stable but fluctuate both on a daily or seasonal basis or because of uneven heat distributions within environments†(Meek 1). Meek hypothesized that any thermoregulation mechanism adopted by lizards comes at costs and benefits. For instance, lguanid lizard inhabiting high altitudes where temperatures are extremely low use ground vegetation for insulation. It was observed that the lizards could raise their body temperature to approximately 35degrees by basking on the sun for two hours. They could then return to their shelters and maintain their bo dy temperature for the whole afternoon. However, such a thermoregulatory mechanism comes at a cost since the lizards remain inactive, minimal habitat utilization, and increased basking (Meek 1). These findings correlate with findings by Kearney et al â€Å"Warmer environments also may increase maintenance energy costs while simultaneously constraining activity time, putting pressure on mass, and energy budgets†(Kearney et al 1). One of behavioral mechanisms adopted by lizard is change of body color in relation to surrounding environment temperatures. According to Bradshaw, this type of behavior enables the desert lizard to maintain its body temperature in a normal range. As the temperature goes down the lizard turns into black. Black color is a good absorber of heat and hence it is able to absorb heat faster from the environment. Once the environmental temperature rises, light color becomes prominent. This turns the heat away and enables the lizard to cool its body. This exp lains why desert lizards are light in color as compared to lizards in cold regions (Bradshaw 90). Besides being a thermoregulatory mechanism, a study by Bujes and Verrastro found out that color change was also found to be a camouflage mechanism (Bujes and Verrastro 1). Activity of the Lizard in Different Seasons The most important factor in behavioral regulation of temperature in desert lizards is use of burrows. Indeed, different studies have pointed to the same fact that desert lizards spend almost 75% of their lifetime in burrows throughout annual season. These burrows offer temporary rescue or long-term survival mechanism. Lizards either dig their own burrows or use already existing ones (Bradshaw 166). Similar findings were found by â€Å"The activity of
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5
Coursework Example Therefore, the best way to use means is with large sample size because when the samples are small and has some scores that are higher than the rest, it will be skewed higher as opposed to other scores. In general, the median refers to the middle score from a list of values. It is the point at which one half of the values are above while the other half is below. The advantage of media is their less sensitivity to extremes. Therefore, they are a better measure of central tendency for use in determining the middle score or salary especially when the sample size is not big. The mode provides the salary or wage that is common, or the amount of salary that appears the most number of times in the set of salaries. The advantage is that is provides a common figure that can be used as the measure of salary payable by the institution. The disadvantage is that it may not reflect any significant statistical value for decision making The mean salary provides the average salary that is payable within a set of salaries. We are able to know the average amount of salary payable. The mean is most appropriate statistical value when making decisions regarding management of salaries. The disadvantage is that the distribution of salaries may not be normal owing to the great differences between the maximum and minimum salaries hence may not provide appropriate decision making model The median is the amount of salary that appears at the middle when the whole set of salaries are arranged from the lowest to the highest. The median only shows the salary that appears at the middle and cannot be used in decision making. Standard deviation measures the deviation of values from the mean, unlike rage that only shows the difference between the maximum and the minimum salary. Therefore, standard deviation is the most appropriate measure to assess how the salaries are distributed because it shows whether the distribution is normal or not. The standard deviation is measure variability
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Can terrorism ever be morally justified Research Paper
Can terrorism ever be morally justified - Research Paper Example The demands could be socio-economic or political. According to Igor Primoratz, terrorism can be defined as: ‘The deliberate use of violence, or threat of its use, against innocent people, with the aim of intimidating some other people into a course of action they otherwise would not take’ (Primoratz, 2011). These definitions however, form more of a general perspective to this whole idea, are simply unsatisfactory. They don’t delve into the root cause and what the ultimate objectives are behind these motives, but rather focus on what is done. The issue in its entirety is far more subtle. Virtually, in every historical era and society, there have been extremists who have used terror as their tactics to advance their cause. Of thousands of such groups that exist or have existed, the validity of their cause is often questioned. However, one element has remained consistent throughout the time, and that is their belief of being denied all the resources and opportunity to advance their cause through conventional means and that terrorism is the only way to voice their concerns and give them relief (Vague, 2007). Some studies suggest that poverty and one’s perception of unfairness and moral debauchery of Western capitalism play an integral part in forming these terrorists. Not only because they have had no other means to make their opinions heard, but also to show their hopelessness and frustration towards their oppressors.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Critical Reflection on Assessment Process Assignment
Critical Reflection on Assessment Process - Assignment Example For the second assignment, I extended what I had done for the first one by adding further assessment techniques (such as the group discussions, portfolio and self assessment rubrics) and taking a more critical look at their advantages and disadvantages. I reached my conclusions by simulating or projecting mentally the outcomes of using these assessment methods in the light of the specific objectives chosen. I also extended my application of the information on the assessment methods beyond the simpler learning objectives of the first assignment, to focus on more diverse objectives and the acquisition of various capabilities.Critical reflections in terms of usefulnessE. The most useful parts for my learning on this course were the discussions among students, sometimes facilitated by a member of the teaching staff, concerning the material, its usefulness and how it should be applied. I would encourage the systematic inclusion of a debate (or "mini-debate") in each lecture or class where possible. This ensures a real-life aspect to what we are doing.The least useful parts for my learning were certain lectures that lacked interactivity. This is linked to my comments above. Being spoon-fed theory does not allow you to test and apply the information so easily for what is after all a practically oriented subject.F. The most useful parts for my products were that the first product (first assignment) was a good way for me to benefit from the mistakes that I made. The products helped each other. as I could then do more with the second one, thanks to the first one. The first assignment allowed me to really understand the main questions of this course: what is assessment; why do we assess people, either students or teachers; and what allows us to do a successful assessment. In the second one I learnt more on designing and planning for good assessments. The least useful parts for my products were some of the academic texts that were cited. Although it is important for logical arguments to be well grounded in established data, assessment is a practical science as well. As such, once the underlying theory is established, the value (in my opinion) is in applying it and making it perform in real life, rather than taking one more step "backward" into the realms of academia. Recommendations that I would make and the reasons for making them. G. For future students regarding the assignment preparation, I would recommend consulting the assessment experiences of different educational organizations, for example, by visiting their websites. They often have relevant and focused comments on what works and what doesn't work in specific environments which adds a practical dimension to the theory discussed in the course. If a student has some weakness in English, like me, then I suggest revising the particular
Sunday, September 22, 2019
How to write an essay Essay Example for Free
How to write an essay Essay 1. An introduction-introducing the topic generally, and then identifying your main or controlling idea (the point of your essay, your view of the assigned topic statement). 2. Middle paragraphs that develop and support the controlling idea. Each paragraph gives a different point or argument supporting the thesis. One point per paragraph, and one paragraph per main point. Don’t forget to give good concrete examples with descriptive details, facts and arguments to support each of your arguments. Develop the paragraph fully and logically with these details, facts and arguments. 3. Conclusion-re-states the controlling idea, summarizes the supporting arguments and provides a closing statement. Title Your title should relate to your main topic to establish the focus of the essay. It should be concise and informative. Examples: â€Å"Reasons for the Fall of Rome†or â€Å"The Emancipation of the Tibetan Nation†The Introduction The introductory paragraph tries to interest the reader, name the subject of the paper, indicate what idea will be expressed about it, and perhaps show how it will be handled. There are many ways to begin an expository essay: Begin with a quotation. It may be directly or indirectly related to the subject. Begin with an interesting fact or statistic. Begin with a short anecdote or narrative. A short narrative is particularly effective for adding a touch of variety to an expository paper. Begin with a paradox. Begin with relevant background material. Background material should, however, be concise and clearly related to your thesis. Begin by stating a long-term effect or effects without immediately stating the cause. Begin with an analogy. Begin with a definition of a term that is important to your topic. This should not be a simple dictionary definition but an explanation of the term as it applies to your topic. The thesis statement A thesis statement alerts your reader to the main argument of the essay and prepares him or her, in a general way, for the content that is to follow. The statement should be brief; there is no point in supplying an outline of everything that a short paper is going to say. But the thesis statement should not merely announce the author’s general interests or plans. Examples: Preliminary thesis statement: I intend to discuss the reasons for the fall of Rome. Revised thesis statement: The major reason for the fall of Rome was bad economic policy. Preliminary thesis statement: I think that Tibet should be its own free nation. Revised thesis statement: Tibet should be its own free nation. Development Your development should have at least three points or arguments supporting your thesis. Each point should take up a whole paragraph. Paragraphs are composed of three elements: Topic sentence: This sentence presents in general terms the subject of the paragraph. The topic sentence may occur anywhere in the paragraph, but is generally the first sentence of the paragraph. Supporting sentences: These sentences form the body of the paragraph. The content of the supporting sentences comprises specific facts or specific arguments which demonstrate the validity of the generalizations presented in the topic sentence. Concluding sentence: This sentence concludes discussion of the point which is the topic of the paragraph and often makes possible the transition to the topic of the next paragraph.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A project plan for interior design
A project plan for interior design Introduction: Interior design is a multi-faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. The interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated methodology, including research, analysis and integration of knowledge into the creative process, whereby the needs and resources of the client are satisfied to produce an interior space that fulfills the project goals. Designing is not expensive any more and every class of people can decorate their homes no matter how big the home is. Now we have developed a complete new theme for Interior Designing scheme. Interior design earnings vary based on employer, number of years with experience, and the reputation of the individual. For residential projects, self-employed interior designers usually earn a per-hour fee plus a percentage of the total cost of furniture, lighting, artwork, and other design elements. For commercial projects, they may charge per-hour fees, or a flat fee for the whole project. Project Background: We are working for our customers according to what they want. They provide us budget and we offer them different designs. Hence every type of job is challenging for us. In the following scenario we have to complete a house right from the infrastructure to the finishing. The detail is given later. The house would be built in the new locality in the lake view society and its a good view for a new home. The customer is a close relative of our senior staff member and he wants it to be completely unique. So we are trying to create some plan that would minimize our cost and maximize our profits For that purpose we would have some objectives and will have to define project scope before going to start the project plan. Project objective: The objectives are always high for our firm, As we know that the purpose of doing a work at customers will is not that easy. So by doing this project we would get following benefits in turn to achieve these would be our objective, We would get an idea about the new locality and availability of workers in that area. We will be able to attract new customers if we make that house eye catching We may get a whole new contract from the construction companies in that area and that would be an additional bonus for us. Hence by ding this task we would get a lot of positives. Many people hesitate to ask from us that what rates we are offering but if we construct that house in that locality then obviously they would be attracted and after noticing the cost they would surely come to us for that project. Project Scope: As we know that each project scope is limited to some specifications. Like this project we have a scope that is divided under the following headings. Deliverables : 1. A 2500 square foot, 2 bathroom, 5 bedroom , 1 living room, finished home 2. Kitchen complete with all the tools set : microwave, dishwasher, table 3. Fish pound in the back yard with wooden fence 4. Automatic watering plant installed in the garden Milestone: 1. Application of building approved: 20 august 2010 2. Foundation: 1 September 2010 3. Clearing exvacation ,footing , framing n drying in ,installation window n door , roofing 24 December 2010 4. Installation Electricity and Plumbing: 28 December 2010 5. Final inspection : 1 January 2011 Technical requirement: 1. Home must meet local building codes 2. All windows and doors must pass NFRIC class 40 energy ratings 3. Exterior wall insulation must meet an R factor of 21 4. Ceiling insulation wall insulation must meet an R factor of 21 5. Seizure must pass seismic stability codes Limits and Exclusions: 1. Owner responsible for landscaping 2. Refrigerator isnt included in kitchen set 3. Contractor responsible for subcontracted work 4. Any work delayed for nature risk is not contractor responsibility 5. Worker only work from monday friday at 8 am- 5 pm A style, or theme, is a consistent idea used throughout a room to create a feeling of completeness. Styles are not to be confused with design concepts, or the higher-level party, which involve a deeper understanding of the architectural context, the socio-cultural and the programmatic requirements of the client. We want to expand our business and create a monopoly in this business. This business is still out of the reach of middle class but if our business started as we have perception in our mind then our business would remove the perception from the minds of the people that having a well decorated home is an expensive task. These days having a middle class home in good locality cost round about $25000 to $100000. But they still cant get the home of their choice. After our way of thinking they would be able to build their own home in less then 35lakh. Our main target would be the newly established housing schemes, Our Marketing plan covers all these aspects and we have a well thought plan to capture these markets. Initially we are going to open an office in main market area because we want to have a good image in the minds of the people. Budget/Costing: Organization Breakdown Structure: Project Manager Operations Manager Marketing Manager Director RD Workers Architect Finance Manager Assistant Finance Manager Office Boy Security Guard HR Manager Assistant HR ManagerOrganization is break down according to our project. Each member of the team will do some worof its kind in this project. So both work break down structure and organization breakdown structure are designed to make sure smooth completion of the project. The cost is divided in these tasks and from time to time. The cost structure is given by the customers and is divided in the following way. Explanation: We have divided our work in two different situations. First one is the Organization development and how to manage our organization and the tasks performed in it. The second one is the short way in which just the operations manager will be involved to complete the project without any intervention of the team. Still it will be team task. Hence the organization member such as accountant and managers will be involved in setting the Deal. The project by the Customer is a subset of the whole project. The income statement and cost and expenditure is given on left column. Following is the projected income statement for the year 2010. . The five members will perform their tasks and then the second stage of implementation will be as shown in the diagram. Total task time is as follows. We have got 50 days to complete the project. Hence what we have in hand is these 11 tasks to be completed. Now by using our pert chart we will find out which one is the shortest path to be completed PERT CHART FOR THE INTERIOR DEISGNING In the above diagram, the A to N are 14 different tasks for our project of Interior designing. We can say them like vendering, procurement, and hiring etc. These tasks are to be performed and we have tried to make sure that the work is done quite smoothly. The critical path is the one which is mentioned with arrow head. The critical path shows the least amount of time that is required to complete the project on hand,. The tasks on same level can be eliminated and hence we can short our time frame to complete a particular task. To complete this task the total task time was 5months. Hence we have achieved our task to be very precise with this technique. The above mentioned is the gantt Chart for the project. Where A to N are projects and their task time mentioned in the table above. So to accomplish the task we will do these task simultaneously as some of these will be from different departments. Moreover, the Tasks performed in these departments are different from each other and their level is also different. Hence we can easily make sure that the project has some space to cut short in time and money. RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN; Risk Management is very necessary in Interior Designing Business like we have to be very much precise with our task and what we provide to our customers. Many customers complain that the standard was not good or the product is not delivered on time. Hence to tackle all these and more such issues we have to be pr planed about such problems. So following is the scope of our risk Management plan. As we know that in Interior Designing business we often have to deal with such type of problems like procurement. Labour force, user backlash and material delay. Hence these issues must have a first hand solution. Also its is a part of business policy and strategy. Now we have developed following points for each of such problem. Procurement problem As we know that to solve some procurement problems we must have dealers more than our basic needs so we make sure that we keep a well contacted such dealers. User Backlash It often become very difficult to deal with the users hence we have a plan to develop a form and a dually signed agreement. In which every such issue must be covered. Hence after sale service is the other solution for this problem. Labour Force: We have labour force twice the labour force that is required because we dont have to pay them a permanent amount we just hire them on daily wages. Material Delay: We keep enough inventory so that if supplies may get delayed then we keep up with the task and the work wouldnt get delayed.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Deadly Ebola Virus :: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (Ebola HF)
OUTLINE Thesis Statement: The deadly virus Ebola is killing thousands of innocent people world wide, but there are some simple steps that are being taken to prevent this coming tide of death. I. Introduction II. Outbreaks A. First two outbreaks B. 1976 outbreak C. 1995 outbreak D. 1989 U.S. outbreak III. What is Ebola A. The Ebola virus in general B. Transmission C. Symptoms D. 1 in 10 victims survive IV. No treatment V. Contraction of Ebola A. Must infect animal first B. Chimpanzees are the suspected hosts VI. What is to blame A. Poor facilities are impart to blame B. Inadequate surveillance systems C. Poor governmental quoperation VII. Prevention and what it helping A. More money B. Hospitals staffs are now better informed C. (CDC) is helping D. Prevention IIX. Conclusion Ebola, a major threat to today's society, is threatening all parts of today's culture. In this paper one will be presented with six major points of analyses. The first an outbreak timeline, the next three are a basic overview of the deadly virus. In the fifth, one will be presented with what things are being blamed for these violent outbreaks. And in the sixth and final point one will be shown what is being done to better the situation. It is over in a matter of days. The victim staggers, disoriented and exhausted, and collapses in a fever. His eyes turn bright red, and he starts vomiting blood. Within a matter of hours, he "crashes" and "bleeds out" surcumming to agonizing death with blood seeping from his eyes, ears and other orifices. At autopsy, pathologists discover, aghast, that the patients internal organs have disintegrated into an indistinguishable mass of bloodied tissue. The killer: A "hot" virus, a highly contagious and deadly microbe that has never been seen before, and has no known cure. (Bib5, CQ Researcher, 495) In 1976 the first two Ebola outbreaks were recorded. In Zaire and western Sudan five hundred and fifty people reported the horrible disease. Of the five hundred and fifty reported three hundred and forty innocent people died. Again in 1995 Ebola reportedly broke out in Zaire, this time infecting over two hundred and killing one hundred and sixty. (Bib4, Musilam, 1) Can Ebola make it to the U.S.? Well the answer to that question is yes. In fact it has, in 1989 in a rural town in Washington named Gabon.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Huck Finn :: essays research papers
I personally find the book Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to be a anti-racist book. That is my opinion for these reasons, it was one of the first books of it’s day to show a black man as a true person. Secondly it showed the truth of how cruel southern society was. And last, the realism the book tried to show throughout the story.      The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was one of the first books of it’s day show a black man as a true person. There are many examples of this throughout the book, such as when Jim discusses his family and how he wants to go be with them. Jim also shows feeling, for example when Huck and Jim get split up on the rafts Jim worries about Huck, and is concerned for him. Jim also show honesty and dedication, an example is towards the end of the book when Jim sacrafices his freedom to help Tom and the doctor after Tom has been shot. So you see the book shows that black people are human beings that have emotions and feelings.      The book also shows the true cruelty of southern society. There are many examples of this in the book. Like the Sunday school discussing how setting blacks free was a deadly sin. And the constant negro sales throughout the book. And how black people had no respect and weren’t looked upon as human beings. So what Mark Twain is trying to tell the reader is how cruel the south was to blacks and how ridiculous the southern society was.      I think the book also tries to show realism of what the south was like during it’s slave years. Many people think that when Mark Twain uses the word â€Å"Ni__er†he is being racist. But really Twain is trying to
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Pride And Prejudice: Summary :: essays research papers
Pride and Prejudice: Summary Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is a complex novel that relates the events surrounding the relations, lives, and loves of a middle-upper class English family in the late nineteenth century. Because of the detailed descriptions of the events surrounding the life of the main character of the story, Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and Prejudice is a very involving novel whose title is very indicative of the themes contained therein. The first volume opens in the Bennet household at Longbourn in England. As there are five unmarried daughters living in the home at the time, the matron of the family, Mrs. Bennet, is quite interested when news of a wealthy man moving to Netherfield, a place in the near vicinity. Mrs. Bennet, in the best interest of her daughters, soon after begins urging her husband to meet with the newly arrived neighbor, a Mr. Bingley, but he is quite reluctant to do so. Soon after, Mr.Bennet surprises his daughters and his wife by announcing that he had visited Netherfield and found Bingley to be "quite agreeable." The interest of the Bennet daughters arises when they learn that certain members of the Bingley party will be in attendance at an upcoming ball in Meryton. At the ball, acquaintances between the families are made, and all find both Mr.Bingley and his cousin Fitzwilliam Darcy to be exceedingly handsome, however Darcy's pride is so irritating and repulsive, it makes his character almost totally disagreeable. It is at this ball, however, that the oldest Bennet daughter, Jane, becomes involved with Mr.Bennet; her younger sister Elizabeth, however, falls victim to Mr. Darcy's pride and is shunned by him during the entire ball. Beginning with this event, Elizabeth forms a prejudice towards Mr. Darcy that will prevent her future involvement with him. It is here then that the two main themes of he work, pride and prejudice, are first presented. Soon after the ball, it becomes obvious that Mr. Bingley's feelings towards Jane deepen, and Jane's feelings also appear when the family visits their neighbors the Lucases after the Meryton Ball. This, however, produces concern from both his older sister and Mr. Darcy, who dislike the behavior of her family and, being part of the upper class, are prevented by their pride from liking anyone of lower status. Mr. Darcy's attitude towards Elizabeth Bennet, however, soon begin to change, as he appreciates her subtle beauty. It is because of her prejudice against him, however, that Elizabeth does not recognize his affections; he begins to join her conversations, and even expresses to his cousins his feelings.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Fixed Income Securities
ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER 1 (Questions are in bold print followed by answers. ) 2. What is meant by a mortgage-backed security? A mortgage-backed security is a security backed by one or more mortgage loans. Like a bond that is callable, a mortgage-backed security allows the investor to grant the borrower an option. 4. What is the cash flow of a 10-year bond that pays coupon interest semiannually, has a coupon rate of 7%, and has a par value of $100,000? The principal or par value of a bond is the amount that the issuer agrees to repay the bondholder at the maturity date.The coupon rate multiplied by the principal of the bond provides the dollar amount of the coupon (or annual amount of the interest payment). A 10-year bond with a 7% annual coupon rate and a principal of $100,000 will pay semiannual interest of (0. 07/2)($100,000) = $3,500 for 10(2) = 20 periods. Thus, the cash flow is $3,500. In addition to this periodic cash, the issuer of the bond is obligated to pay back th e principal of $100,000 at the time the last $3,500 is paid. 6. Give three reasons why the maturity of a bond is important.There are three reasons why the term to maturity of a bond is important. First, the term to maturity indicates the time period over which the holder of the bond can expect to receive the coupon payments and the number of years before the principal will be paid in full. Second, the term to maturity is important because the yield on a bond depends on it. The shape of the yield curve determines how the term to maturity affects the yield. Third, the price of a bond will fluctuate over its life as yields in the market change.The volatility of a bond’s price is dependent on its maturity. More specifically, with all other factors constant, the longer the maturity of a bond, the greater the price volatility resulting from a change in market yields. 8. Explain whether or not an investor can determine today what the cash flow of a floating-rate bond will be. Floati ng-rate bonds are issues where the coupon rate resets periodically based on a general formula equal to the reference rate plus the quoted margin. The reference rate is some index subject to change.The exact change is unknown and uncertain. Thus, an investor cannot determine today what the cash flow of a floating-rate bond will be in the future. 10. What is an inverse-floating-rate bond? While the coupon on floating-rate bonds reliant on an interest rate benchmark typically rises as the benchmark rises and falls as the benchmark falls, there are issues whose coupon interest rate moves in the opposite direction from the change in interest rates. Such issues are called inverse floaters. 12. (a) What is meant by an amortizing security?The principal repayment of a bond issue can be for either the total principal to be repaid at maturity or for the principal to be repaid over the life of the bond. In the latter case, there is a schedule of principal repayments. This schedule is called an amortization schedule. Loans that have this amortizing feature are automobile loans and home mortgage loans. There are securities that are created from loans that have an amortization schedule. These securities will then have a schedule of periodic principal repayments.Such securities are referred to as amortizing securities. (b) Why is the maturity of an amortizing security not a useful measure? For amortizing securities, investors do not talk in terms of a bond’s maturity. This is because the stated maturity of such securities only identifies when the final principal payment will be made. The repayment of the principal is being made over time. 14. What does the call feature in a bond entitle the issuer to do? The most common type of option embedded in a bond is a call feature.This provision grants the issuer the right to retire the debt, fully or partially, before the scheduled maturity date. 16. What does the put feature in a bond entitle the bondholder to do? An issue wit h a put provision included in the indenture grants the bondholder the right to sell the issue back to the issuer at par value on designated dates. The advantage to the bondholder is related to the possibility that if interest rates rise after the issue date (thereby reducing a bond’s price) the bondholder can force the issuer to redeem the bond at par value. 8. How do market participants gauge the default risk of a bond issue? It is common to define credit risk as the risk that the issuer of a bond will fail to satisfy the terms of the obligation with respect to the timely payment of interest and repayment of the amount borrowed. This form of credit risk is called default risk. Market participants gauge the default risk of an issue by looking at the default rating or credit rating assigned to a bond issue by one of the three rating companiesâ€â€Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch. 0. Does an investor who purchases a zero-coupon bond face reinvestment risk? The calculation of the yield of a bond assumes that the cash flows received are reinvested. The additional income from such reinvestment, sometimes called interest-on-interest, depends on the prevailing interest-rate levels at the time of reinvestment, as well as on the reinvestment strategy. Variability in the reinvestment rate of a given strategy because of changes in market interest rates is called reinvestment risk.This risk is that the interest rate at which interim cash flows can be reinvested will fall. Reinvestment risk is greater for longer holding periods, as well as for bonds with large, early cash flows, such as high-coupon bonds. For zero-coupon bonds, interest is reinvested at the same rate as the coupon rate. This eliminates any risk associated with the possibility that coupon payments will be reinvested at a lower rate. However, if rates go up, then the zero coupon bond will fall in value because its â€Å"locked-in†rate is below the higher market rate. 22.W hat is meant by marking a position to market? Marking a position to market means that periodically the market value of a portfolio must be determined. Thus, it can refer to the practice of reporting the value of assets on a market rather than book value basis. Marking to market can also refer to settling or reconciling changes in the value of futures contracts on a daily basis. 24. What is risk risk? There have been new and innovative structures introduced into the bond market. Money managers do not always understand the risk/return characteristics of these securities.Risk risk is defined as not knowing what the risk of a security is because those involved in issuing and buying securities are not aware of what can happen. There are two ways to mitigate or eliminate risk risk. The first approach is to keep up with the literature on the state-of-the-art methodologies for analyzing securities. The second approach is to avoid securities that are not clearly understood. 26. What is a pri ce-risk-transferring innovation? A price-risk-transferring innovation is an innovation that provides market participants with more efficient means for dealing with price or exchange rate risk.
Monday, September 16, 2019
How Useful and Reliable Are These Sources in Explaining How Womens Lives Were Affected by World War 1?
How useful and reliable are these sources in explaining how womens lives were affected by World War 1? This essay is going to be about World Ward 1, which started in 1914 and ended in 1918, and how it affected the livs of women. The war made an impact on lives of many women, some in a positive way and some in a negative. Before WW1 women had very little policital power and were considered inferior to men. Men didn't see the need for women to have a voice, and that their opinion was not needed. However, when the war began men were sent to war, leaving job spaces to be filled.This was when the women were called upon to fill these spaces. This was an oppurtunity for women to prove their rights for politicial power. Source A1 supports this because it states ‘by the end of the war in November 1918, women proved that they were just as important to th war effort as men'. This shows that women were successful in doing so and had been given more political power. This source was taken fr om a website focused at GCSE students which means alot of research must have been put into the text, making it reliable. Before the war women were only allowed to do certain jobs.Housemaiding and seamstressing were most common, sometimes farming was also allowed. People say men and women lived in two different worlds. But the war was a turning point for many women. Most stopped work in the domestic service and began work in the industry. Women practically took on the livs of men. Some worked in munition factories, some did farming and some also began army work. Many women's lives turned around dramatically, they became rch and lived a high lifestyle. Source A7 is a poem called ‘Munition Wages' which was written in 1917. It says ‘Earning high wages? yus, five quid a week.A woman, too, mind you, I calls it dim sweet' which shows that women were getting more money than they were before and were becoming happier. ‘With money to spend, years back I wore tatters, now sil k stockings, my friend! ‘ this shows that womens lives were affected hugely from before the war to during the war. This source could be reliable as it is a primary source, however the reliability of this source is questionable as it is only one person's opinion, and it does not give much information about the author. With most women gaining more money each week, they began to become more independant.They no longer had to rely on their husbands to keep them going. Many women would say the war was a good thing. Some would even say it was worthwhile, because they experienced a high lifestyle and got some of the political power they deserved. However there were many women who didn't have such a positive experience. Some were forced to work long hours with short pay. Long shifts like this were a daily routine for most women. They weren't allowed a break and would sometimes become so ill from working non-stop they would drop to the floor in pain, even then they had to pull through a nd continue work.Source A8 supports this as it because it states ‘They were frequently expected to work on till 8pm and were paid only bare time rates for this overtime'. This shows that women were paid normal rates which were extremely low, for sometimes nearly double the hours they should have been doing. With all this work, women must have been exhausted. This source may be reliable as it was taken out of a history book, however the reliability of this source could be questionable as it was written by a campaigner for women's rights, which means it could be biased.And it was alrso written in 1932, which was after the war, so the stories could have been exaggerated or altered over time. During the war, posters and leaflets were given out showing the women ‘doing their part' for the war. However many jobs that were advertised for women were rarely given out. Source A9 supports this as it says ‘female dentists, barbers, and architects- all of which were featured on war saving postcards were extremely rare. Most male dominated proffessions remained closed to women'. This shows that the propaganda that was being used was false advertisement, and was being used to encourage women into work.The press would exaggerate things greatly to make them look better than they actually were. This source may be reliable as it was used for a series for bbc, which is a well respected channel which alot of research is put into. However, it may not be reliable as we don't have any information about what the series was about. At the end of the war women were expected to give up their jobs in place for the men who had come back from the army. ‘Within months of the end of the war, hundreds of thousands of women were out of work' Source A10 shows that women were left jobless. Many were forced back into domestic work again.Some women stayed on the dole but were soon forced back into work when the government reduced unemployment benefit rates. This source may be reliable as it was written in a history book for GCSE students, so research would have been put into it. However it may not be reliable as it may have been exaggerated greatly, as the writer was not in the war. After examining all the sources thoroughly, it is fair to say womens lives did change dramatically. Lifestyle changes, changes in confidence and independance, political power and the view of women altogether were the biggest changes.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Regression Model
IntroductionA regression model with one explanatory variable is called a Simple linear regression, that is it involves 2 points: single explanatory variable and the response variable which is the x and y, coordinates in a Cartesian plane and finds a linear function a non-vertical straight line that, as precisely as possible it explains the dependent variable values as a function of the independent variables. The term simple refers to the fact that the response variable y is related to one predictor x. The regression model is given as Y=?0+?1 + ? and they are two parameters that are used estimate the slope of the line ?1 and the y- intercept of the line ?0. ? is the random error term.BackgroundRegression analysis is a vital statistical method for the analysis of medical data. It makes it possible for the recognition and grouping of relationships among multiple factors. It also enables the recognition of prognostically relevant risk factors and the calculation of risk scores for individual prognostication, this was made possible by English scientist Sir Francis Galton (1822–1911), a cousin of Charles Darwin, made significant contributions to both genetics and psychology. He is the one that came with regression and a pioneer in using statistics in a study of living organism. In his study the data sets that he considered consisted was the heights of fathers and first sons. He wanted to find out whether he can predict the height of a son based on the father height. Looking at the scatterplots of these heights, Galton saw that the was relationship which was linear and increasing. After fitting a line to these data using the statistical techniques, he observed that for fathers whose heights were taller than the average, the regression line predicted that taller fathers tended to have shorter sons and shorter fathers tended to have taller sons.PurposesSimple linear regression could be for example be purposefully when we Consider a relationship between weight Y (in kilograms) and height X(in centimeters), where the mean weight at a given height is ?(X) = 2X/4 – 45 for X > 100. Because of biological variability, the weight will vary for example, it might be normally distributed with a fixed ? = 4. The difference between an observed weight and mean weight at a given height is referred to as the error for that weight. To discover the relationship which is linear, we could take the weight of three individuals at each height and apply linear regression to model the mean weight as a function of height using a straight line, ?(X) = ?0 + ?1X . The most popular way to estimate the parameters, intercept ?0 and slope ?1 is the least squares estimator, which is derived by differentiating the regression with respect to ?0 and ?1 and solving, Let (xi , y i ) be the Ith pair of X and Y values. The least squares estimator, estimates ?0 and ?1 by minimizing the residual sum of squared errors, SSE = ?(y i – ? i)2, where y i are the observed value and ?i = b0 + b1xi are the estimated regression line points and are called the fitted, predicted or â€Å"hat†values. The estimates are given by b0 = ¯y – b1  ¯x and b1 = SSXX / SSYY, and where  ¯Xand  ¯Y are the means of samples X and Y, SSXX and SSYY being their standard deviation values and r = r(X,Y) being their Pearson correlation coefficient. It is also referred to as Pearson's r, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, is a measure of the linear between two variables X and Y Where X is the independent variable and Y being the Dependant variable as stated above. The Pearson correlation coefficient, r can take a range of values from -1 to +1. A value of 0 suggests that there is no association between the two variables X and Y. A value greater than 0 indicates a positive association that is, as the value of one variable increases, so does the value of the other variable. Before using simple linear regression analysis it is always vital to follow these few steps: Choose an independent variable that is likely to cause the change in the dependent variable Be certain that the past amounts for the independent variable occur in the exact same period as the amount of the dependent variable. Plot the observations on a graph using the y-axis for the dependant variable and the x-axis for the independent variable review the plotted observations for a linear pattern and for any outliers keep in mind that there can be correlation without cause and effect.ImportancesSimple linear regression is considered to be extensively useful in many practical applications and methodologies. Simple linear regression functions by assuming that the variables x and y have a relationship which is linear within the given set of data. As assumptions are and results are interpreted, persons handling the analysing role in a such data will have to be more critical because it has been studied before that there are some variables which inhibit marginal changes to occur while others will not consider being held at a fixed point. Although the concept of linear regression is one complex subject, it still remains to be one of the most vital statistical approaches being used till date. Simple linear regression is important because it has be wildly being used in many biological, behavioural , environmental as well as social sciences. Because of its ability to describe possible relationships between identified variables independent and dependent , it has assisted the fields of epidemiology, finance, economics and trend line in describing significant data that proves to be of essence in the identified fields. More so, simple linear regression is important because it provides an idea of what needs to be anticipated, more specially in controlling and regulating functions involved on some disciplines. Despite the complexity of simple linear aggression, it has proven to be adequately useful in many daily applications of life.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
A Necessary Evil Essay
After listening to people in various careers, I’ve found that the most abused and underrated professions are those connected with public service. People who work in law enforcement, fire prevention, medicine and education are underpaid, overworked, and taken for granted. Without the benefit of these professionals we would be less likely to live our lives with relative safety, the benefit of education and the good health most of us possess. However, when it comes to salaries, working conditions and public support for the people in these fields, very little is given without long, com- plicated labor disputes. Many people would deny even the chance for them to take a stand for the rights they deserve for fear their walkout would endanger the public welfare. I agree that when people in these professions call for a strike hospitals go haywire, criminals are freer to roam and kids miss important weeks of class work. But striking may be the only way for these people to draw attention to their low wages, poor working conditions and lack of public support; and they should have the right to do so. Low wages are obviously the priority issue discussed when contracts are up for renewal and one of the basic reasons for calling a strike. Even though most union officials often seem to go overboard in their demands, it may be a necessary tactic used to wake up the administrators who never want to give even the basic cost-of-living raise. While teachers and nurses are called â€Å"professionals†and spend years of time and money to train for these positions, when it comes to dollars and cents, their paychecks never come close to what other professionals receive. Police and firemen leave their houses every day unsure they’ll make it home uninjured – if they make it back at all – but their salaries hardly reflect the risk they take to chase criminals or fight fires. Money, however, is only one of the major issues public workers take with them to the bargaining table. Working conditions, especially for medical support personnel and educators, are always a reason for voting to strike when demands are not met during contract discussions For example, many teachers spend a great deal of time in old school buildings (full of flaking asbestos) with inefficient heating systems creating a rather frigid atmosphere for learning. Children sit in classrooms dressed in coats, hats and gloves reading textbooks dating back to the 1960’s. From their vantage point, teachers notice the peeling paint, broken chairs and children with problems they can’t begin to tackle. Obviously, without the proper tools with which to teach in an atmosphere of decay or the proper placement for children needing individual attention, the job of teaching becomes frustrating and even futile, and creates a growing apathy towards the children and the profession in general. Another example is the nurse or nursing assistant who has just completed a twelve hour shift and has been told she must stay through the next because so and so called in sick. According to a close friend who is an L.P.N., this kind of request is nothing unusual and refusal to work the extra time can cause stomach ulcers quicker than if she stays and works without protest. The guy who scrubs the hospital corridors works under better conditions; and while sanitation is important in a hospital, he’ll never have to read bottles of medication or cardiac monitors through half-shut eyes. Lack of public support is another factor forcing these professionals to strike. So taken for granted are our public service workers that many of them receive far more complaints than compliments for their daily work. A fire fighter called in the middle of the night with only moments notice is on his way to save a burning building. Reaching his destination, he grabs an ax and breaks a window to gain entrance to the property and put out the fire. Two days later the fire company receives a nasty letter complaining about the broken window. Lack of support for the police officer may even be felt from within the law enforcement system. The policeman who arrests a person for robbery or rape is constantly faced with the court’s decision to let the offender out on bail or completely free to repeat the crime for which he was originally arrested. Again, frustration and apathy are sure to give way to poor self-esteem and a growing desperation caused by lack of caring and support by the public. People who teach, work to make our environment safe and those who help to keep us healthy are our support personnel. Although they are trained professionals working to make our lives richer, we take them for granted and leave them little choice but to let us know what life would be like if they were not here at all.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Business Process Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Business Process Management - Assignment Example Excellent performance is a key for business success and Companies that are highly competent, set themselves apart from other firms by focusing on constant performance improvement. Some frameworks that are proposed by business project management for performance measurement are (Kellen, 2003): The Balanced Scored Card: This is the most utilized framework and had greater adaption. Balanced scored card is used to measure the things that are related to the organization’s strategy and important for logistic company. It is broken in four sections that are as follow (DHL, 2008): Activity Based Costing: Through activity-based cost, the allocation of overhead is done according to an individual customer or product instead of the allocation of overhead on overall products. Activity based costing link the cost to the sources that are being used to provide a particular service within an organization. In such ways, the flow of expenses run from resources to activities and leads to the most demanded services. In this way organization, become able to have detailed analysis of activities that are profitable and providing excess revenue to the organization as compare to their cost. This strategy is the part of the company from 1988 (BJH, n.d.). Economic Value Added: Economic value added is a measure of financial performance. The EVA is linked with the formulation of overtime and the value of shareholders. The usage of this method is done as the motivation plane of managers because the purpose of this approach is to server management with the information that can motivate them to create maximum wealth for shareholders. In DHL, EVA model is deployed to maximize the wealth of shareholders (Camerinelli, 2009). Quality Management: Quality improvement programs just not improve the performance of the organization but also enhance the level of customer satisfaction and for the improvement of
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Does North Korea truly desire war with the U.S Research Paper
Does North Korea truly desire war with the U.S - Research Paper Example 4. Ever since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, North Korea has suffered the consequences of dire economic straits2, which, in turn, would most likely lead to the collapse of its totalitarian government; hence directing the tensions outwards would prevent such an event. 5. The apparent development of nuclear devices and the ballistic missile tests, both accompanied by menacing rhetoric and unyielding behavior3, seemingly speak of North Korea’s intention of going to war with the US. CONS: 1. Despite decades of isolation and obviously overestimating the strength of its armed forces, Pyongyang is well aware of the risks of eventual war against the US; moreover, it’s not that clear whether North Korea actually possesses a deliverable weapon4. 2. It’s pretty unlikely that North Korea’s establishment, most notably the dictator, Kim Jong Un, will risk everything in a destructive armed conflict with the US. 3. The threat of nuclear and ballistic missiles tes ts proved to be a very effective maneuver so far5. 4. China’s patience is about to come to an end, which would adversely affect the Sino-DPRK alliance6. 5. What the regime in Pyongyang is really aiming for is its own survival, i.e. ... Eventually, China’s intervention and the overwhelming American naval and aerial superiority brought the war to a stalemate, which, in turn, made both sides to go to the negotiation table8. On the one hand, the present-day North Korean regime – personified by Kim Jong Un – seemingly based on precedents from the 1950 war which didn’t turn fatal for their predecessors, and encouraged by the size of the contemporary North Korean armed forces, might seek a historical revenge. Obama administration’s policy of restrained pressure in regard to saber-rattling regimes, like North Korea and Iran, is probably considered a weakness, which would also boost Kim Jong Un’s desire, if any, to strike the US. On the other hand, Pyongyang is well aware that the regime would pay the price if embarked on such an adventure; as well as should be able to understand the difference between the American military capabilities and those of their own. Somewhere at that poin t of the equation appears the people’s perception of war in both countries, hence the number of eventual casualties that the general public would swallow; which, in turn, would make the war no option for the American public opinion. An act of aggression, however, changes the whole equation; therefore, the regime in Pyongyang probably takes into consideration that could not stake on this card. In case of war between North Korea and the US, Pyongyang would understandably hope for Chinese support, just as in the 1950s; moreover, Beijing’s assistance is currently of vital importance for the North Korean regime. China, for example, goes to great lengths to ameliorate the effects of the extreme UN sanctions on North
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
China's Aging Population Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
China's Aging Population - Research Paper Example The advances in health care that has raised the life expectancy to about 78 years have caused the china to change into an aging population. The high nutritional values in conjunction with the one child policy assumed by the modern day families in the country are also catalyst to aging population in China. The shift of China’s population to old age oriented might have a profound effect on her economy for the adults to be. The Chinese government will have to alter its budgetary policy in favor of the current situation and allow for heightened expenses. According to the international standards of population and demographic distribution, if more than ten percent of the county’s population is above sixty years of age, then this population is described as an ageing population. The Chinese government announced in 2000 that those beyond sixty-five years make about seven per cent of the national population. However, the expectation was that this trend would continue and expected that by 2050 more than thirty per cent of the country’s population would be more than sixty years. The basis of china’s aging population are just as those found anywhere in any other country (Robinson 231). The country has low infertility rate, the life expectancy has risen, and there has been cumulative effect in changes of birth and death rates. The country is and will continue to experience a decline in fertility rate due to the one-child policy. The government has been advocating for the adoption of this policy, thus it has been the main contributor to the changing structure of the Chinese population. The future of the Chinese economy is likely to be very prudent if measures to counteract the negative economic effects that may come along with the aging population are not set. The country may have to change the legal retirement age in order to facilitate work for a continuous production round the year. The Chinese economy is likely to have a great effect in the fut ure. Take for instance the education system that receives a lot of emphasis in the Chinese families. The education system currently has great effect from the large swaths of population where even the secondary education has no guarantee and the technical training as well (Uhlenberg 157). However, improving the education system and the skills of the workers may have a positive effect in improving the economy and compensate the impending decline in the share of the working age. Improving the skills of labor that is absorbed in to the production sector improves the productivity of the country. China has been on the long run to lay strategies that would mobilize the portion of the potential workforce, which is dormant or poorly utilized. The reserve labor force of china lays the concerns that china may not have enough workers in the future (England 5). As the population ages, the country will have to devote most of the resources to the care of the elderly people. The government will hav e to increase the pension rates in order to benefit the elderly. The increasing ration of the old people in the Chinese population has diverse economic implication for its society and thus impromptu policies and measures to counteract the future effect have to be laid. As the proportion of the elderly people, grow higher in relation to the overall population, the proportion of the young workers drops (Robinson 238). For example in china the active labor force aged
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Supplements, nutrients, and stored energy to the proper function of Essay
Supplements, nutrients, and stored energy to the proper function of the human body - Essay Example Nutritional supplements are products from foods used for the support of good health and treatment of illnesses. According to the dietary supplement health and education act (DSHEA), supplements are not foods put contain the elements in the food that increase their supply to the body. â€Å"The supplements contain one or more ingredients of the diet including minerals, vitamins and amino acid†(Liddle and Connor, P. 487). The use of supplements and energy stores is high due to an increase in demand of energy that cannot be provided through food intake during any particular incidence of a meal. The demand for this energy is to promote weight gain, enhance weight loss or improve the performance of athletes. Vitamins and minerals as supplements contain micronutrients that are responsible for enhancing the normal hormonal and chemical functions of the body. These supplements are important for enhancing the reproductive functionality of hormones, as well as other endocrine functions of the body. Botanical (herbal) supplements are ingested for their medical functions in the body. â€Å"The botanical supplements are taken to support specific areas of functionality of the body†(Calbet et al., P. 1005). These areas could be for the improvement of the liver, skin, bone or kidney function, thus are important for the improvement of the efficiency in the functionality of the targeted part. â€Å"Supplements and energy stores are composed of combinations of two or more of the eight key nutrients that are important for the proper functionality of the body†(Frary, Johnson, and Wang, P. 56). Calcium is one of the eight key nutrients that is important for bone formation, muscle contraction and helps in the transmission of nerve cell messages. Calcium is chiefly derived from the dairy foods but can also be acquired from vegetables like
Monday, September 9, 2019
The future of healthcare Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The future of healthcare - Coursework Example The administrators have to keep up with advances technology by updating their skills in technology to offer guidance on the use of these technologies (Mandl & Kohane, 2012). In the next decade, the proportion of America senior citizens will increase. The average life expectancy in the US has risen from 47 years in 1900 to about 79 years, and it is estimated that it will be around 84 in 2050 (Schiller et al., 2012). Death rates are gradually reducing as the life expectancy of the people goes up. The changing trend will compel health care administrators to increase funds for the long-term care and develop substitutes for nursing homes. The rise in the number of older patients from the Boomer generation and the loss of providers is a significant challenge to the health care system in the country (Schiller et al., 2012). Administrators have to ensure that they set aside enough resources to guarantee that the aged patients receive the much-needed medical services. Improved funding will ensure that the old generation receives the best medical services. Schiller, S., Lucas, W., Ward, W., & Peregoy, A. (2012). Summary health statistics for US Adults: National health interview survey, 2010. Vital and Health Statistics. Series 10, Data from The National Health Survey, (252),
Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism and Impressionism Assignment
Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism and Impressionism - Assignment Example The paper "Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism and Impressionism" examines various artists and their art styles, the depiction of different subject matter, influence of art to everyday life and history. The focus of this study is on Neoclassicism and Romanticism to Realism and Impressionism in Europe and The United States. In Goya’s work, â€Å"Third of May†, the victims are placed in the center of the canvas, and flooded with piercing white light that jumps out at the viewer. The victims are surrounded in blood red, yellow ochre and highlighting white, while the soldiers remain faceless and shrouded in subdued colors of black and grey. Artistic statements that go against the conservative grain or the status quo relating to religion, sexual and gender rights, politics, war, erotica, or portrayals of violence usually stand a good chance of offending some segment of society that wants to silence any voice that opposes them. The most memorable artist of late to embody thes e threats is Robert Mapplethorpe. Born in Brooklyn, New York, Mapplethorpe had a very broad portfolio of work, but it was his images of erotica and sexual expression that caused controversy and legal scandal in the United States and abroad in England. Mapplethorpe’s graphic images were included in an exhibit that had been funded by the National Endowment For The Arts, which caused an uproar to many who claimed that taxpayer money was being used to fund potentially obscene.His images of defecation became the center of many legally heated discussions
Sunday, September 8, 2019
The most Important Legacy of Reformation for us Today Essay
The most Important Legacy of Reformation for us Today - Essay Example The protestant reformation started in Europe in the early sixteenth century1. The works of Martin Luther King’s activities that he carried out in the late fifteenth century informed the reforms. During such times, it was evident in the Roman Catholic Church that the pope had the powers to sale of penance letters to people following the fact that he was deficient of the authority to forgive sins. In those days, the priest was highly regarded more important than any other person. Therefore, anything that he did was highly regarded as of moral right and was subject to no rejection or question. In this regard, the Catholic Church considered priests more than other considered other people. Following the ever questionable issues noticed by Luther regarding the practice of the pope, Luther advocated for provision of the Bible to everyone to read for themselves. It is due to such ill beliefs and practice that forced Martin Luther to call an end to such practices. He gained many follow ers in various countries by inspiring many religious reformers to break away from the Catholic Church and develop their own ideas. ... The reformations led to various religious wars that was termed the Thirty Years War. Christians believe in the ability of God to forgive sins since he has the power to do so. However, the notion that a person can influence God to forgive another is misleading. It is the idea of forgiveness of sins as well as the massive power accorded to the pope that led to the call to reformation. Reformation is an important aspect of human life. It is of crucial importance to highlight that different reformation always follow quests of justice with regards to certain matters that affect humanity. As such, people may always engage in protests with the hope of correcting a wrong where necessary. Such issues that always bring notable protests that mark the beginnings of reformations always arise from several sources. A major factor that may push for reformation may involve political factors. This may be evident where certain issues are considered oppressive to the general wellbeing of humanity. In ad dition, several protests championing for reforms may follow differences in religious views. As such, several religious societies may collude and strongly oppose a wrongdoing that may be evident in the society. Major reformations in history came with regards to the Roman Catholic church. The church in earlier days had several provisions and guidelines hat majority of followers considered oppressive. Such did not marry well with their beliefs and the faith they had in Christianity. Majority of such issues were being steered forth by the people of high ranks in the church. Such issues were considered oppressive to the faith and beliefs that were maintained by the faithful. This brought forth major reforms in
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Dominos Pizza in Mexico Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Dominos Pizza in Mexico - Case Study Example One thing that has been common in all the above mentioned companies is that all have been very successful in capturing their audiences. Their success story hasn't only revolved around the advertising for their company but a complete team effort, hard work, determination; the will to become the leading fast food chain in the world has made them reach the zenith. If we start to compare Domino's with their opposite number, McDonalds, we will come to know that their respective road to success has been full of challenges and somewhat quite similar too. First and for most, the two companies came into existence when no such food company existed. They had to start from scratch and had to make the people feel the importance of their brand and for that the most crucial and important part was team building.( Tom Monaghan,1986) They had to search for people who were determined, fresh and eager to learn in collaboration with their respective companies. Secondly, once established the two companies had to maintain that vibe and hunger ness for the people to buy their product by launching new food items that would surround and match the eating brain of a human being. They had to keep the quality of the food as their first priority in order to attract the customers. (David A Hanks, 1989) Moreover, both Domino's and McDonald’s had to change their advertising setup when launching them selves internationally. They had to grab the local market and the local people with their innovative strategies. They also took under control the prices of their products in accordance to the economy of that country and in accordance of an average person's reach. All and all, Domino's and McDonald's are quite similar in nature excluding their distinct and unique products and because of the adaptability in all cultures; Domino's has been able to stamp their authority in the global market throughout the world. 2. Domino's rely on the work hard, play hard culture where they set themselves tasks and standards and then work collectively to succeed in those tasks. (Tom Monaghan, 1998) They do not compromise on the quality of the food and in the appearance of their company. That is why, where ever they go, in which ever country they enter, they keep their tag line, their presentation, their rules and regulations and the quality of food at the top. For them, a customer’s satisfaction is their satisfaction. (Georgia Brazil, 1986) One important thing that Domino's has followed throughout the years is that they have kept the interface of their outlets identical. This has helped them in reaching far off areas where the people used to recognize Do mino's not by their name, rather by the companies’ logo, ‘The Domino's logo’. Another area that Domino's has clicked is by hiring those people as employees who could work in their corporate sectors. (John A Jakle, 1999) Such people are aware of the local food standards and know what the customers require. In this way they can help the higher officials in the company to make them understand the psychic of the food of the local residents of that area. Another aspect that Domino's has taken into account is that in order to nullify any problems in their administration, Domino's regularly takes their managers working across the globe to stores for training. (James Mac Nair, 1987) There they are given lectures on how to run a franchise and what is
Friday, September 6, 2019
Importance of Literature Essay Example for Free
Importance of Literature Essay There are a lot of things that come to mind when a person hears the word literature. Usually, one thinks of a book, story, classical work or some variation of the aforementioned but to ask someone to define the term literature, proves to be a much trickier task. Many are stumped when asked this question. People often answer by giving examples of literary works but fail to actually give an encompassing definition of the term. Welcome to the world of Webster (Dictionary that is). Websters Dictionary defines the term literature as the body of written works of a language, period, or culture. This definition seems be broad but continuing on in the definition there was one part that really stood as a more adequate representation of what literature is about. The definition reads as follows; …the body of written work produced by scholars or researchers in a given field. This particular definition seems to hit at the core of literature; scholarship and specialization. Some feel that that all written works are forms of literature. I contend that a true work of literature must be written by a person who has studied a given field (specialization) and produced a work that allows the reader to gain some form of a lesson or viewpoint (scholarship), whether agreeing with the writer or taking an opposing stance of the information set fourth in the work. This is not to say that these types of works do not have any entertainment value but they have a type of entertainment that wraps the lesson, argument or viewpoint in an engaging style rather than being force-fed the authors stance. A true work of literature should evoke some form of discussion on the works main point. A work of literature needs all of the above, not only to be called a true work of literature but to also cement its place in history, which is the last piece of the puzzle when defining the term. Literature stands the test of time and can be discussed by great grandchildren as well as great grandmothers and all those in between. This all goes to say that the importance of literature is its ability to connect a community known as the human race. Classical works of literature have been translated so that all human beings can share in a great piece, even being translated to an audio, so that those who can not read will not be stopped from participating in the act of community that literature provides. It is amazing that even though some might not share the same culture as others, they could start a discussion around a piece of literature. The literature in this instance acts as a unifier rather than just a book or story, thus proving the power of literature and the overall power of the written word. A true work of literature must have scholarship, specialization, a unifying human element and an entertaining delivery in order to stand the test of time. The points mentioned above give literature criteria on which to be compared. The importance of literature goes far beyond just having a good read. Literature possesses an intangible that can have a great impact on peoples lives. Great works of our time have brought nations together, stopped feuds, healed wounds, and have even taught humans how to be human again. Literature is extremely important and necessary to the growth of this world and for a creation of a global society.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Policy for Psychiatric Nursing in Ireland: Analysis
Policy for Psychiatric Nursing in Ireland: Analysis Critically evaluate the relevance of a current national (Irish) strategic policy document for your area of practice (Psychiatric nursing) Introduction As one of the most important facets of health care, nursing has been and remains one of the most undervalued and undeveloped professions (Salvage and Leenders, 2005). Salvage and Leender (2005) state that countries need a national action plan for nursing as it assists in the development of the profession. They offer the following ten advantages, as evidence for the foregoing that shall aid in serving as a basis for the evaluation of the relevance of the present Irish national strategic policy for Psychiatric Nursing along with other inputs (Salvage and Leenders, 2005): The presence of a national action plan aids in reinforcing nursing goals, results and orientation in health care. Through the existence of a national action plan, nursing contributions can be optimized through the focusing of â€Å"†¦ nursing resources to achieve the best possible results and †¦ value for money†(Salvage and Leenders, 2005). A national action plan helps to â€Å"†¦ build and maintain vision for nursing †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Salvage and Leenders, 2005). The preceding is a result of aiding nurses in maintaining their perspectives, which can be lost in the busy and demanding everyday demands of their profession. The existence of a national action plan can result in â€Å"†¦ a clearer sense of direction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Salvage and Leenders, 2005). A ‘plan’ can aid in making â€Å"†¦ nursing achievements more visible †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Salvage and Leenders, 2005). Salvage and Leenders (2005) point to the fact that the contribution of nurses is acknowledged by clients and patients but not â€Å"†¦ in medical textbooks, conferences and influential discussions †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . A ‘plan’ â€Å"†¦ can spur nurses and their supporters to be more active †¦Ã¢â‚¬ and through strategic planning, a ‘plan’ â€Å"†¦ helps to uncover or inspire unexpected new coalitions †¦Ã¢â‚¬ that can aid in these aspects working â€Å"†¦ together to improve health care †¦ (Salvage and Leenders, 2005). It, a ‘plan’, â€Å"†¦ can coordinate current nursing activities †¦Ã¢â‚¬ and aid in nurses identification of projects and innovations that are underway to incorporate these into practice as well as aiding in the development of frameworks for further improvements and implementation. A ‘plan’ can aid in the creation of â€Å",,, closer links between policy and practice †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Salvage and Leenders, 2005). They explain that the policy making process is usually remote from those who are responsible to its implementation, and that through the utilization of a planning process that involves as well as includes the â€Å"†¦ services users, practitioners and †¦ policy makers †¦Ã¢â‚¬ aids in reducing the â€Å"†¦ gaps between thinking and action, data and perceptions, policy and operations, planning and implementation †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Salvage and Leenders, 2005). Through the existence of a ‘plan’ the profession of â€Å"†¦ nursing is more likely to win support from the people, policy makers and other professionals†if said ‘plan’ states clearly â€Å"†¦ where it is going and what it hopes to achieve (Salvage and Leenders, 2005). And finally, a ‘plan’ â€Å"†¦ can help nursing control its own work and future †¦ (Salvage and Leenders, 2005). Salvage and Leenders (2005) explain that the existence of a ‘plan’ can aid in nursing controlling â€Å"†¦ its own work and future †¦Ã¢â‚¬ because traditionally they have â€Å"†¦ had little control over their destiny †¦Ã¢â‚¬ as a result of them â€Å"†¦ as the servants of another profession †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Salvage and Leenders, 2005). Salvage and Leenders (2005) argue that a ‘plan’ represents the â€Å"†¦ starting point for †¦ (nurses) †¦ becoming equal partners in health care work †¦Ã¢â‚¬ as well as in their relationships with the other professions in the field. In order to better understand the context of this examination, the definition of the profession of nursing is deemed an important underpinning. The ‘Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework’ defines nursing as a profession that â€Å"†¦ helps individuals, families and groups to determine and achieve their physical, mental and social potential †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Nursing Board, 2000a). The definition goes on to add that nurses require â€Å"†¦ competence to develop and perform functions that promote and maintain health †¦ as well as prevent ill health†and that such â€Å"†¦ includes the (assessment) planning and giving of care †¦ (encompassing) †¦ the physical, mental and social aspects †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Nursing Board, 2000). As the context of this examination represents the field of psychiatric nursing, the following definition as supplied by the ‘International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses’ (ISPN) pro vides clarity. They, ISPN, define this area of nursing, psychiatric, as â€Å"†¦ a specialized area of nursing practice committed to promoting mental health through the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of human responses to mental health problems and psychiatric disorders†(ISPN, 2006). The An Bord Altranais â€Å"†¦ was established by the Nurses Act, 1950, (An Bord Altranais, 2007a) â€Å"†¦ is the statutory body †¦(that) †¦ provides for the registration, control and education of nurses †¦ (and other matters) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ related to the practice of nursing in Ireland (An Bord Altranais, 2000). As of 2004, there were 76,045 nurses registered with the An Bord Altranais, as shown by the following (An Bord Altranais, 2007b): Table 1- Total of Nurses and Qualifications Registered (An Bord Altranais, 2007b) Nurses Registered Females Male Active Inactive Total Number of Nurses 60,774 15,271 70,231 5,814 76,045 Table 2 – Total of Nurses and Qualifications Registered Qualifications Registered (An Bord Altranais, 2007b) Females Male Active Inactive Total General 60,986 2,677 50,637 13,026 63,663 Psychiatric 8,301 3,525 9,566 2,260 11,826 Sick Children’s 4,578 51 3,759 870 4,629 Intellectual Disability 3,961 473 3,860 574 4,434 Midwifery 16,857 21 13,179 3,699 16,878 Public Health 2,551 1 2,084 468 2,552 Tutor 537 104 513 126 639 Other 585 26 290 321 611 Total 98,356 6,876 83,888 21,344 105,232 The examination of the Code of Conduct and other legislation shall be reviewed against the ten point standards of the World Health Organization and other documents in order to gauge the relevance of policies in this area. National Strategic Policy for Nurses in Ireland The strategic national policy document for the nursing profession in Ireland is generated by An Bord Altranais that states that the practice of nursing â€Å"†¦ should always be based on the principles of professional conducted †¦Ã¢â‚¬ as contained â€Å"†¦ in the latest version of the Code of Professional Conduct for each Nurse and Midwife †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Nursing Board, 2000b) with practices contained in Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework (Nursing Board of Tasmania, 2006) and the Standards for the Scope of Nursing Practice 2001 as prepared by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST, 2001). The evaluation of the preceding documents shall be compared against the ten-point plan outline as put forth by Salvage and Leenders (2005) to serve as a guide. Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework The Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework for Ireland states that it utilizes the ANMC National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse, Australian Nursing Midwifery Council, (ANMC, 2006) as its basis for the determination of â€Å"†¦ regulations, organizational policies and procedures †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Nursing Board of Tasmania, 2006) as support in its practice setting. The Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework (SoP DMF) states that the determinations concerning the â€Å"†¦ scope of practice need to be †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Nursing Board of Tasmania, 2006) 1. â€Å"proactive†, 2. â€Å"responsive to internal and external forces†, 3. â€Å"flexible; and†, 4. â€Å"able to provide guidance in decision making by both the individual nurse †¦ and the profession as a whole†. The SoP DMF indicates that the foregoing â€Å"†¦ is applicable to all nurses and midwives across all practice settings †¦Ã¢â‚¬ and tha t such have been put into force to ensure â€Å"†¦ that practice decisions are based on the individual context and patient †¦Ã¢â‚¬ as opposed to the â€Å"†¦ defining nursing †¦ by tasks or procedures†(Nursing Board of Tasmania, 2006). The latitude offered from the preceding represents room for individual interpretation that can and also cannot be a wise choice in a profession that represents the fragile state of mind of patients under psychiatric care. Evidence of the problem in having such broad latitude is presented in an article by Sean Fleming â€Å"Psychiatric Abuse of Ireland†which details accounts of the use of drugs in treatment that were either later found to be inappropriate, and or had side effects that worsened the patients condition (Fleming, 2005). Such is also the subject of a report issued by ‘Aware’, a voluntary organization devotes to assist those who are afflicted with depression (Aware, 2007a). The report mentions the continuity of care with regard to psychiatric services as an area needing improvement along with eighteen other points and represents an aspect that the broad latitude in interpretation (Aware, 2007b). And while every instance of care treatment cannot be categ orized, and set forth procedurally, guidelines represent an effective means to provide tighter controls as well as instructions and steps that nurses can utilize when appropriate. Salvage and Leenders (2005) under item 4 indicate that a national action plan provides â€Å"†¦ a clearer sense of direction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ and under item 8 states that the existence of a ‘plan’ can aid in the creation of â€Å",,, closer links between policy and practice. The SoP DMF states that through providing transparency in its policy that it â€Å"†¦ greatly benefits all nurses and that it thus â€Å"†¦ provides an effective tool †¦ nurses can maximize their nursing practice †¦Ã¢â‚¬ in the standards of the profession. It states that there are six figures, with â€Å"†¦ each supported by a set of guiding principles†that can assist nurses in the discussion as well as clarification of â€Å"†¦ practice issues with their colleagues and employers†(Nursing Board of Tasmania, 2006). The preceding are 1. â€Å"Guiding Principles for Map of Role Relationships among Health Personnel†, 2. Guiding Principles for Improving the Health Outcomes of the Patient†, 3. Guiding Principles for Delegation among Nurses and Midwives, 4. Guiding Principles for Delegation to Students of Nursing, 5. Guiding Principles for Delegation to Unlicensed Health Care Workers; and, 6. Guiding Principles for Maximising th e Scope of Practice for Registered Nurses and Midwives (Nursing Board of Tasmania, 2006). The Sop DMF states that these â€Å"†¦ six figures highlight the importance of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1. â€Å"clinical assessment by the registered nurse or midwife†, 2. â€Å"lawful authority†, 3. â€Å"preparation and experience†, 4. â€Å"risk management†, 5. â€Å"confidence†, 6. â€Å"competence†, 7. â€Å"delegation by the registered nurse or midwife: and†, 8. â€Å"acceptance of the delegation and the required level of supervision (direct or indirect†(Nursing Board of Tasmania, 2006). The foregoing harkens back to the room for latitude and actually indicates under item number 1 that nurses are making clinical assessments. This also stated, assessment, under â€Å"Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework April 2000†(Nursing Board, 2006b). The foregoing analysis with regard to the latitude is indicated in the Sop DMF d ocument under Figure 2. ‘General Principles for Improving the Health Outcomes of the Patient’ which states under â€Å"patient †¦ Clinical Assessment †¦ have I considered the consequences of my planned action?†(Nursing Board of Tasmania, 2006). The following further illustrates this issue (Nursing Board of Tasmania, 2006): The Figure indicates that if the answers to all questions are ‘yes’ that the nurse should proceed, and that if there is a ‘no’ answer to any question, then the nurse should seek advice on the issue (Nursing Board of Tasmania, 2006). The preceding represents a procedural attempt to shore up the wide latitudes present in the guidelines, still leaving room for varied interpretations. Standards for the Scope of Nursing Practice 2001 The ‘Standards for the Scope of Nursing Practice 2001’ represents a copulation of statutory material that was obtained as a result of the utilization of electronic searching in the sites of Lexis Nexus, Canlii, Austlii and other legal sites. The ‘Standards for the Scope of Nursing Practice 2001’ indicates that there were legislation aspects that could not be accessed and other measures utilized, with an instance whereby no data could be obtained (DEST, 2001). The preceding means that the document is not wholly complete. The ‘Standards for the Scope of Nursing Practice 2001’ also adds the documents from which it was based, in some instances, referred to other documents and or legislation or regulations and standards that were not included is what was accessed, and were unavailable for use in formulating the document as a whole (DEST, 2001). Interestingly this supports the broad latitude contention as mentioned under â€Å"Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework†in that it states â€Å"Given the complexity and variability of the sources of information about the standards of nursing practice †¦Ã¢â‚¬ that it is reasonable â€Å"†¦ nurses might experience some difficulty in keeping abreast of these issues†(DEST, 2001). The preceding is explained in the document as representing the difficulties in the interpretation of the ‘†¦ intent of the legislation (DEST, 2001). DEST (2001) indicates that the primary objective of â€Å"†¦ statutory regulation †¦ is the protection of the public. The utilization of the copulation technique to derive the document obviously has flaws that need correcting, however, the fact that the government of Ireland has recognized the need to produce such a document represents a critical step in the right direct, as espoused by Salvage and Leen ders (2005). Quality And Fairness: A Health System for You Action Plan Progress Report 2005 The National Health Strategy â€Å"Quality and Fairness – A Health System for You†, as stated in the document â€Å"†¦ was announced by the government †¦ to provide vision and strategic direction for the health and personal social services†and identifies â€Å"†¦ a 121 point Action Plan †¦Ã¢â‚¬ as central to implementation of a nationwide strategy and put varied â€Å"†¦ aspects of the Strategy into †¦ action (Department of Health and Children, 2005). Under National Goal No. 1, item 2, it sets forth the â€Å"Statements of Strategy †¦Ã¢â‚¬ with regard to â€Å"†¦ all relevant Government Departments †¦Ã¢â‚¬ that are to devise guidelines and strategy statements for human resources as well as other areas. Its relevance to this examination lies in the preceding. A Vision for Change Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy This document represents â€Å"†¦ a comprehensive model of mental health service provision for Ireland†(Department of Health and Children, 2006). Under item 1.5 ‘Vision’, the document sets forth that its policy represents the creation of â€Å"†¦ a mental health system that addresses the needs of the population †¦ as a result of focusing â€Å"†¦ on the requirements of the individual†(Department of Health and Children, 2006). The ‘Policy Framework’ indicates that its purpose is to create â€Å"†¦. A systematic framework and plan for mental health †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Department of Health and Children, 2006). This aspect represents the reference to psychiatric nursing, which is the subject of this examination. The document covers ‘Mental Health in Ireland’ covering the differing disciplines, along with â€Å"Implementation†that defines relationships in the management of mental health and the plan to b ring the diverse aspects into closer proximity from the present system that â€Å"†¦ has encouraged isolation of catchments from each other †¦Ã¢â‚¬ which â€Å"†¦ has hindered the development of specialist services†(Department of Health and Children, 2006). The broad areas covered under â€Å"Manpower, education and training ††¦ sets forth â€Å" †¦ the education and training required to produce competent professional personnel †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Department of Health and Children, 2006). This document does not provide the details of policy and other facets of specificity related to strategic policy for psychiatric nursing, which are contained under â€Å"Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework†and â€Å"Standards for the Scope of Nursing Practice 2001†in limited fashion. It, the document – â€Å"A Vision for Change Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy†does recognize that there are â€Å"Shortcomings in Current Education and Training†, but its usefulness as a policy statement for psychiatric nursing is not its intention. Conclusion The present strategic policy for psychiatric nursing in Ireland is an area that is still under development. The varied documents reviewed, â€Å"Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework†, â€Å"Standards for the Scope of Nursing Practice 2001†, â€Å"Quality And Fairness: A Health System for You Action Plan Progress Report 2005†, and â€Å"A Vision for Change Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy†as well as other documents referenced herein are in the evolutionary stages. This incompleteness does not actually represent a cause for too much concern and the Government of Ireland, through the issuance of these documents, acknowledges the deficiencies in this area and have set about the process to correct this aspect as stated in â€Å"Quality And Fairness: A Health System for You Action Plan Progress Report 2005†under National Goal No. 1, as well as in â€Å"A Vision for Change Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Poli cy†. Salvage and Leenders (2005) indicate the global problem concerning nursing policy and strategy, and the importance of having such plans in place, or under development to enable the profession to achieve higher standards and more connectivity with the field of medicine in general. They, Salvage and Leenders (2005), state that strategic plans are extremely important in providing the foundation for frameworks to develop that will increase the proficiency of the profession through documentation that can be thus shared, compared and utilised for further refinement. Ireland is in the beginning stages of this evolutionary process, as is the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries owing to their lack of attention and importance concerning the contributions of the field of nursing. The criticisms levied at the broad interpretational latitudes that exist in present policy statements in Ireland as found under the document prepared by the Sop DMF concerning the â€Å"Scope of Nurs ing and Midwifery Practice Framework†is an outgrowth of this developmental process. Clearly, a great deal of work still stands before the various governmental agencies and departments in achieving a substantive document that achieves the objective of providing nurses engaged in psychiatric care with the guidelines and procedures to enable them to weave their way through the difficult profession they are engaged in. The present plans, though incomplete, do represent a means whereby psychiatric nursing leaders have a platform to move forward from to collaborate in revising and amending what is established. The preceding is acknowledged by Salvage and Leenders (2005) as a huge as well as important step in the right direction. Bibliography An Bord Altranais (2000) An Board Altranais: The Code of Professional Conduct for each Nurse and Midwife, April 2000. An Bord Altranais An Bord Altranais (2007b) Nurse Registration Statistics – 2004. Retrieved on 12 January 2007 from An Bord Altranais (2007a) Role and Functions of An Bord Altranais. Retrieved on 12 January 2007 from ANMC (2006) National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse. Australian Nursing Midwifery Council Aware (2007) Aware. Retrieved on 14 January 2007 from Aware (2007b) Suicide in Ireland: A Global Perspective and a National Strategy. Retrieved on 14 January 2007 from books/suicide.html Department of Health and Children (2006) A Vision for Change Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy. Department of Health and Children Department of Health and Children (2005) Quality and Fairness – A Health System for You: Action Plan Progress Report 2004. Department of Health and Children DEST (2001) Standards for the Scope of Nursing Practice 2001. Retrieved on 13 January 2007 from Fleming, S. (2005) Psychiatric Abuse in Ireland. Retrieved on 14 January 2007 from ISPN (2006) Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Scope Standards. Retrieved on 12 January 2007 from Nursing Board (2000b) Guidance to Nurses and Midwifes on the Development of Policies, Guidelines and Protocols, December 2000. Retrieved on 12 January 2007 from Nursing Board (2000a) Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Framework April 2000. Retrieved on 12 January 2007 from Nursing Board of Tasmania (2006) Scope of Nursing Practice Decision Making Framework: February 2006. Nursing Board of Tasmania Salvage, J., Leenders, F. (2005) National Action Plans for nursing and midwifery, In Salvage, J., Heijnen, S. (2005) Nursing in Europe: A resource for better health. World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, ISSN 0378-2255
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