Sunday, August 4, 2019

turkey Essays -- essays research papers

The Turkish Republic was established in 1923, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The Empire had been slowly declining for several centeries, this can be attributed to its inablity to keep up scientificaly and the socail and political wars. Finally the Lausanne Peacem Treaty of July 24, 1923 established the international status and boundaries of the new country. The Republic of Turkey was formally declared on October 29, 1923. It immediatly started on a course of modernization in all walks of life. Turkey would base its political and legal sytems on the modern secular models as well as strengthening its political relations with the West to reach its goals as a new republic. The goals as expressed by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the leader of the nationalist movement and first president of the Turkish Republic, were "to reach the level of contemporary civilization". To achieve these goals, a doctirne for foreign relations was created; as Atarurk said, "Peace at home, Peace in the world." This has not been and easy task, the history and geographical location of Turkey. It lies at a "crossroads" where the two large continents of Europe and Asia meet. This unique location gives Turkey a very diverse populations, Balkan, Mediterranean, Middle Eastersn, Caucasian and Asian identities. This has highly influenced its Foreign Polocy. Its primary objective is in short to develope friendly relations with all countries, most partic...

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