Friday, December 27, 2019

The Impact Of Migration On African American History

It has been well documented that migration has played a significant role in the development of the United States. African Americans participated in migration just as much as whites did and have been migrating all throughout the United States since the first African slave ship made its way to Jamestown in 1619. Florette Henri’s Black Migration: Movement North, 1900-1920 (1975) focuses on the beginning of the large-scale relocation of black people from the South to the North and West. The book’s overall theme is, as Henri states in the preface, that black Americans in the early decades of the century had far more of a hand in shaping their future than historians of the period tend to perceive, or at least to convey. The same can be said to some degree for almost all periods of African and African-American recorded ï ¿ ¼ history. From pharaonic Egypt to slavery, blacks have often played an active role rather than a passive one in the determination of their fate. A prime example of this is the lack of mainstream history coverage of slave resistance and culture. The topic of slave resistance is often not covered in order to paint slaves as docile and inferior. Page 290 of the Norton readings explains that â€Å"the resource that enabled slaves to maintain such defiance was their culture: a body of beliefs, values, and practices born of their past and maintained in the present.† Page 295 of the Norton readings discusses instances of resistance in slaves. The first example occurred inShow MoreRelatedThe Great Migration Essay870 Words   |  4 PagesUnited States has had an essential impact on the nation, both intentionally and unintentionally. Progressions such as The Great Migration and the Second Great Migration are examples of movements that impacted the United States greatly. During these movements, African Americans migrated to flee racism and prejudice in the South, as well as to inquire jobs in industrial cities. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Analytical Summary How Helicopter Parents Are Ruining...

Analytical Summary: â€Å"How helicopter parents are ruining college students† In Amy Joyce’s On Parenting article, â€Å"How helicopter parents are ruining college students† posted on September 2, 2014, Joyce addresses the issue with parents who controls their college student’s life to the public. Amy’s exigence is from an article recently published in the journal Education + Training found that there is an important line to draw between parental involvement and over-parenting. Joyce got information from the President of Frostburg State University, Jonathan Gibralter, who has had parents call him at his office to talk about a squabble their child is having with a roommate, â€Å"Don’t you trust your child to deal with this on his own?† he asks. â€Å"Rather than telling a son or daughter to talk to a [resident assistant] or [resident director], parents will immediately call my office. And that I consider to be a little over the top.† (Joyce) Kids who raised by parents who choose everything they have wanted and even dictated their every move. Recognizing the idea of â€Å"overbearing parents,† Gibralter relived the idea stated above, â€Å"when I was going to college in 1975†¦. My mother helped me unload into the dorm room put a note on the door saying this is the way we wash our clothes,† Gibralter said. â€Å"I didn’t find out until years later that she cried all the way home because she realized I was going to be independent.† (Joyce) Some may believe â€Å"helicoptering† is a good thing, but in all reality, itShow MoreRelatedMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pageswould be so enduring? Many of you are past users, a few even for decades. I hope you will find this new edition a worthy successor to earlier editions. I think this may even be my best book. The new Google and Starbucks cases should arouse keen student interest, and may even inspire another generation of entrepreneurs. A fair number of the older cases have faced significant changes in the last few years, for better or for worse, and these we have captured to add to learning insights. After so

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Impact on Economic Performance Fluctuation -

Questions: 1. Identifying and critically discussing 2 key roles of bank in terms of contribution to country financial system. 2. Critically evaluating the problems associated with relying on debt finance being provided by bank with those parties who are a financial surplus unit to those who are a financial deficit unit. 3. Critically changing the capital adequacy, liquidity and leverage as stipulated by Basel III and discussing the impact of these changes in banks financial condition. 4. Critically explaining the process of asset securitization and why banks may wish to securitize. 5. Critically discussing the implication of global crisis on banks financial shortly after the crisis and discussing the measure used by the country to calm the crisis. Answers: 1. Identifying and critically discussing 2 key roles of bank in terms of contribution to country financial system: There are certain roles that is played by OCBC Bank in Singapore, Barclays Bank in UK and Citigroup in USA, which directly helps in smoothing the functioning of financial system in the country. The identified organisations mainly contribute to the distribution of monetary system in their country, which efficiently helps in improving financial operations. The credit provision and liquidity provision is effectively conducted by OCBC Bank in Singapore, Barclays Bank in UK and Citigroup in USA, which helps in supporting the financial system of the country. The increment in credit provisions could directly fuel the economic activity of the country, where business could flourish and generate higher cash flow. This credit provision could fuel economic activities, where investment beyond cash on hand is conducted ( 2018). This helps in increasing homes purchase without savings the entire cost in advance and government to smooth their spending for investing in infrastructure projects. Liquidity provisions are also conducted by OCBC, Barclays Bank and Citigroup, which allows both demand deposits and credit provisions. These banks directly conduct financial market services such as buying and selling securities, which help in supporting financial requirements of organisations. The banks are the main provider of liquidity to the organisation and customers in their respective countries. 2. Critically evaluating the problems associated with relying on debt finance being provided by bank with those parties who are a financial surplus unit to those who are a financial deficit unit: There is different level of problems that arises from debt finances, which needs to be accommodated by banks before providing finance to companies. In addition, banks support the companies with financial surplus rather than financial deficit, as they have higher capability to repay the financing amount with interest. The main problem associated with the financing companies with financial deficit is the increasing accumulation of interest payment, which cannot be conducted with the existing revenue stream. The company with increased debt accumulation could lead to insolvency, which might hamper the repayment of banks finances. For example, Lehman Brothers increased debt accumulation before the crisis, where banks did not support the company due to its excessive financial deficit. Thus, it could be understood that banks do not support companies with extra debt financing if they have financial deficit. The problems in repayment and chances of default by the company having financial defi cit is very strong, which could hinder actual financial condition of the bank. 3. Critically changing the capital adequacy, liquidity and leverage as stipulated by Basel III and discussing the impact of these changes in banks financial condition: The Basel III was mainly drafted after the financial crisis of 2008, which mainly liquidated financial sector of the world. The extensive debt accumulation conducted by banks was mainly reduced with the help of Basel III, as it could help in smoothing the function of banks. The new capital requirement directly represents tighter equity definition maintained by banks. In addition, the common equity requirement under Basel III mainly increased from 2% to 4.5% in 2015 with the increment in mandatory reserve from 4% to 6%. Moreover, under leverage ratio the banks need to be maintain a 3% leverage all time, which could help in thickening the cushion of cash reserves. Moreover, the liquidity coverage ratio needs to be no lower than 100% under Basel III, which could help in reducing the chances of default by a bank (Angelini et al. 2015). Net Funding Stability Ratio (NFSR) needs to be maintained by banks, which could help in maintaining capital stability. Furthermore, the liquidity needs to be maintained by banks for 30-day time horizon under acute liquidity stress scenario. These changes could help in strengthening the financial position of banks during any kind of financial crisis. 4. Critically explaining the process of asset securitization and why banks may wish to securitize: Figure 1: Depicting how securitization works (Source: Finance and Development 2018) The above figure mainly helps in depicting how securitization works, which allows banks in generating higher revenue from the operation. In addition, the process is adequately explained in the diagrams, which could allow the bank to pool different securities and repack them into interest bearing securities. The loopholes in the securitization process was the main reason behind the augmentation of financial crisis. Banks and financial institutions were merging securities and loans into the securitization process without adequate process. The banks mainly originate the asset, where assets immune from bankruptcy will be polled together. After which the pooled security will be handed to agency of the selling process in capital market. Therefore, the pooled security after reaching the capital market with the help of agency are bought by capital market investors. The selling process conducted in the capital market will only be conducted when adequate credit rating is assigned to each poole d security. Therefore, banks wish to securitise for attaining flow of cash after providing loans to its borrower. 5. Critically discussing the implication of global crisis on banks financial shortly after the crisis and discussing the measure used by the country to calm the crisis: During the financial crisis the profit of OCBC bank mainly declined from the level of 2,183,240,000 to 1,860,010,000 in 2008 as compared from 2007 ( 2018). This mainly indicates the incapability of the company to attain higher profitability after the financial crisis. However, Singapore mainly pledged S$2.9 billion in 2008 and S$20.5 billion in 2009 for reducing the impact of financial crisis on banking operations. On the other hand, performance of Barclays Bank in UK increased from 2008 to 2009 from 5,249,000,000 to 10,289,000,000, which indicates high end performance conducted by the company ( 2018). Moreover, the UK government mainly used 39 billion as their bailout package to reduce the impact of financial crisis. In addition, merger of HBOS and Lloyds was nationalised, where 200 billion was available for new debt issue under the special liquidity scheme. Lastly, the guarantee of the depositors was raised from 35,000 to 50,000, while Bank of England cut the interest rate in half to reduce the problems portrayed by financial crisis. Furthermore, performance of Citigroup in USA mainly declined during financial crisis, where the group earned net loss from 2008 to 2009. The net loss in 2008 was at 27,684,000,000, while the loss declined in 2009 to 1,606,000,000 ( 2018). The US government conducted the largest government intervene in the financial crisis, where $700 billion bailout programme was conducted to support banking industry. In addition, the bank deposits were raised from $100,000 to $250,000 by the end of 2009.moreover, the FED also cut interest rate to 1.5%, which helped in creating liquidity into the market. Reference Angelini, P., Clerc, L., Crdia, V., Gambacorta, L., Gerali, A., Locarno, A., Motto, R., Roeger, W., Van den Heuvel, S. and Vl?ek, J., 2015. Basel III: Long?term Impact on Economic Performance and Fluctuations.The Manchester School,83(2), pp.217-251. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. (2018).Singapore is first East Asian country to slip into recession - Singapore History. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan. 2018]. Finance and Development | FD. (2018). Finance and Development. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan. 2018]. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. (2018).OCBC - Investors - Annual Reports. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan. 2018].

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Music Programs Should Be Kept free essay sample

Music is every. Where in our life. Its an important part of our culture. So why are music programs being cut from school? Music education may seem unimportant, but that is far from the truth. Music is important because the music taught in schools whether they are classical or fairly recent, help in learning as well! Music affects the brain to somehow learn faster and more efficiently. This has actually been done by physicist DRP. Harvey Bird from Fairfield Dickinson University and neurologist DRP. Aggressive Checkerberry room Georgian Court College in Lakewood.They used mice and a maze. They would have three sets of mice. One had to listen to voodoo music, the second had to listen to classical music, and the last did not have to listen to any music. Extraordinarily, the mice that had listened to the classical music were the fastest to solve the maze. This actually proves that music is important for problem solving, and memorizing. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Programs Should Be Kept or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page All essential in schools, that can be gained from music programs. However the schools are getting rid of most or all of the music programs that dents could gain so much from.Music programs arent only good for education as well. They help students express themselves ,as I have stated before. Expressing yourself helps in making yourself calm and stress free. This is extremely important to your mind as well. This will help you drain your stress from anything that happened to you. And just express all those emotions into music. Therefore, music programs should not be taken away for they have plenty to offer to students that not only benefit their progress in school, but also in their mind and emotions.