Friday, December 27, 2019

The Impact Of Migration On African American History

It has been well documented that migration has played a significant role in the development of the United States. African Americans participated in migration just as much as whites did and have been migrating all throughout the United States since the first African slave ship made its way to Jamestown in 1619. Florette Henri’s Black Migration: Movement North, 1900-1920 (1975) focuses on the beginning of the large-scale relocation of black people from the South to the North and West. The book’s overall theme is, as Henri states in the preface, that black Americans in the early decades of the century had far more of a hand in shaping their future than historians of the period tend to perceive, or at least to convey. The same can be said to some degree for almost all periods of African and African-American recorded ï ¿ ¼ history. From pharaonic Egypt to slavery, blacks have often played an active role rather than a passive one in the determination of their fate. A prime example of this is the lack of mainstream history coverage of slave resistance and culture. The topic of slave resistance is often not covered in order to paint slaves as docile and inferior. Page 290 of the Norton readings explains that â€Å"the resource that enabled slaves to maintain such defiance was their culture: a body of beliefs, values, and practices born of their past and maintained in the present.† Page 295 of the Norton readings discusses instances of resistance in slaves. The first example occurred inShow MoreRelatedThe Great Migration Essay870 Words   |  4 PagesUnited States has had an essential impact on the nation, both intentionally and unintentionally. Progressions such as The Great Migration and the Second Great Migration are examples of movements that impacted the United States greatly. During these movements, African Americans migrated to flee racism and prejudice in the South, as well as to inquire jobs in industrial cities. They were unable to escape racism, but they were able to infuse their culture into American society. During the twen tieth centuryRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance941 Words   |  4 PagesThe Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement, in the early 1920’s, that involved vibrancies of new life, ideas, and perceptions. The large migration of African Americans northward, after World War I, allowed people of color the opportunity to collaborate in the New York City neighborhood, known as Harlem. This renaissance allowed the city to thrive on a refined understanding and appreciation of the arts. Many individuals were involved in this movement including doctors, students, shopkeepers,Read MoreThe Harlem Renaissance, A Cultural Movement Essay1063 Words   |  5 PagesAlly Johnson November 13, 2016 African American History Art, Music, Literature†¦Freedom. 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African Americans desired to escape the unfair treatment and obtain equal rights, but found themselves stuck. The two World Wars drew African Americans NorthRead MoreSummary Of The Warmt h Of Other Suns 1223 Words   |  5 PagesMarianna Beaute Urban Life and Culture Final Exam -Take Home 1. Isabel Wilkerson’s work, The Warmth of Other Suns, explores the search of Great Migration migrants for during the Great Migration of the 1900s. The 2007 documentary, Made in LA documents the demand for higher wages and better working conditions by Forever 21 sweatshop workers. In doing so, both works focus on individual people to tell their story about a larger issue. In telling the stories of people leaving their homes, families, and

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Analytical Summary How Helicopter Parents Are Ruining...

Analytical Summary: â€Å"How helicopter parents are ruining college students† In Amy Joyce’s On Parenting article, â€Å"How helicopter parents are ruining college students† posted on September 2, 2014, Joyce addresses the issue with parents who controls their college student’s life to the public. Amy’s exigence is from an article recently published in the journal Education + Training found that there is an important line to draw between parental involvement and over-parenting. Joyce got information from the President of Frostburg State University, Jonathan Gibralter, who has had parents call him at his office to talk about a squabble their child is having with a roommate, â€Å"Don’t you trust your child to deal with this on his own?† he asks. â€Å"Rather than telling a son or daughter to talk to a [resident assistant] or [resident director], parents will immediately call my office. And that I consider to be a little over the top.† (Joyce) Kids who raised by parents who choose everything they have wanted and even dictated their every move. Recognizing the idea of â€Å"overbearing parents,† Gibralter relived the idea stated above, â€Å"when I was going to college in 1975†¦. My mother helped me unload into the dorm room put a note on the door saying this is the way we wash our clothes,† Gibralter said. â€Å"I didn’t find out until years later that she cried all the way home because she realized I was going to be independent.† (Joyce) Some may believe â€Å"helicoptering† is a good thing, but in all reality, itShow MoreRelatedMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pageswould be so enduring? Many of you are past users, a few even for decades. I hope you will find this new edition a worthy successor to earlier editions. I think this may even be my best book. The new Google and Starbucks cases should arouse keen student interest, and may even inspire another generation of entrepreneurs. A fair number of the older cases have faced significant changes in the last few years, for better or for worse, and these we have captured to add to learning insights. After so

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Impact on Economic Performance Fluctuation -

Questions: 1. Identifying and critically discussing 2 key roles of bank in terms of contribution to country financial system. 2. Critically evaluating the problems associated with relying on debt finance being provided by bank with those parties who are a financial surplus unit to those who are a financial deficit unit. 3. Critically changing the capital adequacy, liquidity and leverage as stipulated by Basel III and discussing the impact of these changes in banks financial condition. 4. Critically explaining the process of asset securitization and why banks may wish to securitize. 5. Critically discussing the implication of global crisis on banks financial shortly after the crisis and discussing the measure used by the country to calm the crisis. Answers: 1. Identifying and critically discussing 2 key roles of bank in terms of contribution to country financial system: There are certain roles that is played by OCBC Bank in Singapore, Barclays Bank in UK and Citigroup in USA, which directly helps in smoothing the functioning of financial system in the country. The identified organisations mainly contribute to the distribution of monetary system in their country, which efficiently helps in improving financial operations. The credit provision and liquidity provision is effectively conducted by OCBC Bank in Singapore, Barclays Bank in UK and Citigroup in USA, which helps in supporting the financial system of the country. The increment in credit provisions could directly fuel the economic activity of the country, where business could flourish and generate higher cash flow. This credit provision could fuel economic activities, where investment beyond cash on hand is conducted ( 2018). This helps in increasing homes purchase without savings the entire cost in advance and government to smooth their spending for investing in infrastructure projects. Liquidity provisions are also conducted by OCBC, Barclays Bank and Citigroup, which allows both demand deposits and credit provisions. These banks directly conduct financial market services such as buying and selling securities, which help in supporting financial requirements of organisations. The banks are the main provider of liquidity to the organisation and customers in their respective countries. 2. Critically evaluating the problems associated with relying on debt finance being provided by bank with those parties who are a financial surplus unit to those who are a financial deficit unit: There is different level of problems that arises from debt finances, which needs to be accommodated by banks before providing finance to companies. In addition, banks support the companies with financial surplus rather than financial deficit, as they have higher capability to repay the financing amount with interest. The main problem associated with the financing companies with financial deficit is the increasing accumulation of interest payment, which cannot be conducted with the existing revenue stream. The company with increased debt accumulation could lead to insolvency, which might hamper the repayment of banks finances. For example, Lehman Brothers increased debt accumulation before the crisis, where banks did not support the company due to its excessive financial deficit. Thus, it could be understood that banks do not support companies with extra debt financing if they have financial deficit. The problems in repayment and chances of default by the company having financial defi cit is very strong, which could hinder actual financial condition of the bank. 3. Critically changing the capital adequacy, liquidity and leverage as stipulated by Basel III and discussing the impact of these changes in banks financial condition: The Basel III was mainly drafted after the financial crisis of 2008, which mainly liquidated financial sector of the world. The extensive debt accumulation conducted by banks was mainly reduced with the help of Basel III, as it could help in smoothing the function of banks. The new capital requirement directly represents tighter equity definition maintained by banks. In addition, the common equity requirement under Basel III mainly increased from 2% to 4.5% in 2015 with the increment in mandatory reserve from 4% to 6%. Moreover, under leverage ratio the banks need to be maintain a 3% leverage all time, which could help in thickening the cushion of cash reserves. Moreover, the liquidity coverage ratio needs to be no lower than 100% under Basel III, which could help in reducing the chances of default by a bank (Angelini et al. 2015). Net Funding Stability Ratio (NFSR) needs to be maintained by banks, which could help in maintaining capital stability. Furthermore, the liquidity needs to be maintained by banks for 30-day time horizon under acute liquidity stress scenario. These changes could help in strengthening the financial position of banks during any kind of financial crisis. 4. Critically explaining the process of asset securitization and why banks may wish to securitize: Figure 1: Depicting how securitization works (Source: Finance and Development 2018) The above figure mainly helps in depicting how securitization works, which allows banks in generating higher revenue from the operation. In addition, the process is adequately explained in the diagrams, which could allow the bank to pool different securities and repack them into interest bearing securities. The loopholes in the securitization process was the main reason behind the augmentation of financial crisis. Banks and financial institutions were merging securities and loans into the securitization process without adequate process. The banks mainly originate the asset, where assets immune from bankruptcy will be polled together. After which the pooled security will be handed to agency of the selling process in capital market. Therefore, the pooled security after reaching the capital market with the help of agency are bought by capital market investors. The selling process conducted in the capital market will only be conducted when adequate credit rating is assigned to each poole d security. Therefore, banks wish to securitise for attaining flow of cash after providing loans to its borrower. 5. Critically discussing the implication of global crisis on banks financial shortly after the crisis and discussing the measure used by the country to calm the crisis: During the financial crisis the profit of OCBC bank mainly declined from the level of 2,183,240,000 to 1,860,010,000 in 2008 as compared from 2007 ( 2018). This mainly indicates the incapability of the company to attain higher profitability after the financial crisis. However, Singapore mainly pledged S$2.9 billion in 2008 and S$20.5 billion in 2009 for reducing the impact of financial crisis on banking operations. On the other hand, performance of Barclays Bank in UK increased from 2008 to 2009 from 5,249,000,000 to 10,289,000,000, which indicates high end performance conducted by the company ( 2018). Moreover, the UK government mainly used 39 billion as their bailout package to reduce the impact of financial crisis. In addition, merger of HBOS and Lloyds was nationalised, where 200 billion was available for new debt issue under the special liquidity scheme. Lastly, the guarantee of the depositors was raised from 35,000 to 50,000, while Bank of England cut the interest rate in half to reduce the problems portrayed by financial crisis. Furthermore, performance of Citigroup in USA mainly declined during financial crisis, where the group earned net loss from 2008 to 2009. The net loss in 2008 was at 27,684,000,000, while the loss declined in 2009 to 1,606,000,000 ( 2018). The US government conducted the largest government intervene in the financial crisis, where $700 billion bailout programme was conducted to support banking industry. In addition, the bank deposits were raised from $100,000 to $250,000 by the end of 2009.moreover, the FED also cut interest rate to 1.5%, which helped in creating liquidity into the market. Reference Angelini, P., Clerc, L., Crdia, V., Gambacorta, L., Gerali, A., Locarno, A., Motto, R., Roeger, W., Van den Heuvel, S. and Vl?ek, J., 2015. Basel III: Long?term Impact on Economic Performance and Fluctuations.The Manchester School,83(2), pp.217-251. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. (2018).Singapore is first East Asian country to slip into recession - Singapore History. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan. 2018]. Finance and Development | FD. (2018). Finance and Development. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan. 2018]. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. (2018).OCBC - Investors - Annual Reports. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan. 2018].

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Music Programs Should Be Kept free essay sample

Music is every. Where in our life. Its an important part of our culture. So why are music programs being cut from school? Music education may seem unimportant, but that is far from the truth. Music is important because the music taught in schools whether they are classical or fairly recent, help in learning as well! Music affects the brain to somehow learn faster and more efficiently. This has actually been done by physicist DRP. Harvey Bird from Fairfield Dickinson University and neurologist DRP. Aggressive Checkerberry room Georgian Court College in Lakewood.They used mice and a maze. They would have three sets of mice. One had to listen to voodoo music, the second had to listen to classical music, and the last did not have to listen to any music. Extraordinarily, the mice that had listened to the classical music were the fastest to solve the maze. This actually proves that music is important for problem solving, and memorizing. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Programs Should Be Kept or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page All essential in schools, that can be gained from music programs. However the schools are getting rid of most or all of the music programs that dents could gain so much from.Music programs arent only good for education as well. They help students express themselves ,as I have stated before. Expressing yourself helps in making yourself calm and stress free. This is extremely important to your mind as well. This will help you drain your stress from anything that happened to you. And just express all those emotions into music. Therefore, music programs should not be taken away for they have plenty to offer to students that not only benefit their progress in school, but also in their mind and emotions.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Fouridation Essays - Water Fluoridation, Fluoride, Dental Fluorosis

Fouridation In 1931 at the University of Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station M. C. Smith, E. M. Lantz, and H. V. Smith discovered that when given drinking water supplied with fluorine, rats would develop tooth defects. Further testing by H. T. Dean and E. Elove of the United States Public Health Service confirmed this report, and stated that what is known as mottled tooth. Mottled tooth is a condition in which white spots develop on the back teeth. Gradually the white spots get darker and darker until the tooth is eroded completely. This was believed to be caused by fluorine in drinking water (Behrman pg. 181). A strong uproar was heard when this was released and people wanted all fluorine out of their water. But later tests concluded that communities with high levels of fluorine in their drinking water suffered less dental cavities. Further testing concluded that at least 1.0 parts per million of fluorine could help to prevent cavities, but more than 1.5 PPM would cause mottled tooth, so basically a little fluorine would be okay but a lot of fluorine would be bad (Behrman 182). In 1938, with this information, Dr. Gerald Cox of the Mellon Institute began to promote the addition of fluoride to public water systems, claiming that it would reduce tooth decay, however there were two major obstacles in his path, The American Medical Association, and The American Dental Association. Both associations wrote articles in their journals about the dangers of fluoridation of water supplies. The American Dental Association wrote the following in the October 1, 1944 issue: We do know the use of drinking water containing as little as 1.2 to 3.0 parts per million of fluorine will cause such developmental disturbances in bones as osteoslcerosis, spondylosis and osteoperosis, as well as goiter, and we cannot afford to run the risk of producing such serious systemic disturbances in applying what is at present a doubtful procedure intended to prevent development of dental disfigurements among children. (Yiamouyiannis pg. 138) Despite these warnings Dr. Cox continued to promote fluoridation of water supplies and even convinced a Wisconsin dentist, J. J. Frisch to promote the addition of fluoride to water supplies in his book, The Fight For Fluoridation. Frisch soon garnered the support of Frank Bull. Frank Bull organized political campaigns in order to persuade local officials to endorse fluoridation. This began to apply heavy pressure on the United States Public Health Service and the American Dental Association. (Yiamouyiannis pg. 139) In 1945 before any tests had been proven to show that fluoride reduced cavities, it was added to the drinking water supply of Grand Rapids, Michigan. This was done as a test. It would be the experiment to see if fluoride would decrease the number of cavities. The data would be collected periodically over the next five years, and in 1950 the data showed that the number of cavities was decreasing, but in the town of Muskegon, which did not have a fluoridated water supply, cavities decreased by the same margin. However the information about Muskegon was covered up (Waldbott pg. 262). A few days after the information about Grand Rapids was released the United States Public Health Service called a press conference in which they said that: Communities desiring to fluoridate their communal water supplies should be strongly encouraged to do so. (Waldbott pg. 263) In June 1951, dental health representatives from around the U. S. met with dental health officials to discuss the promotion and implementation of fluoride. It was at this conference that the United States Public Health Service formally endorsed fluoridation. It had finally succumb to the pressure. Two years later in 1953, the American Dental Association also began to support fluoridation, when they released a pamphlet, sending it to every dentistry office in the U. S. The pamphlet told the advantages of using fluoride, encouraged acceptance and use of fluoride, and sought to overcome public resistance to fluoride (Coffel). From 1953 till 1977 the only debates going on about fluoridation was how to fund it. Most organizations supported fluoridation, and those that did not soon did, including, the National Research Council, the American Water Works Association, the American Medical Association, and the World Health Organization. All of these organizations endorsed fluoridation (Waldbott pg. 277). However in 1977, the fluoridation controversy was brought back up by John Yiamouyiannis. A committee was commissioned to clear up the fluoride controversy once and for all. But it did not, it just raised it even more. Yiamouyiannis led this committee. Yiamouyiannis in his statement to

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Top 3 Secrets to Getting Hired for Any Job

Top 3 Secrets to Getting Hired for Any Job Finding it hard to stay ahead of the competition? Do you feel completely lacking in confidence when it comes to seeking out, applying for, and interviewing at prospective jobs? According to a LinkedIn expert who focuses on market shifts and analyzes how applicants can get ahead of the competition, there are three secrets you should keep in mind while job searching to increase your chances of getting hired for any job. 1. Focus not on who you know, but who your contacts knowThe number of people actively looking for work increased steadily over the past few years. But as of May 2016, 5.5 million jobs were still open. More employers are looking for top class talent and more workers are hoping to switch to better companies or fields. The way to use this to your advantage is to tap into your network. Companies prefer to hire candidates referred by a source they trust. Even if you don’t know someone at a company you’re applying to, figure out who you know that might know some one there.And remember: it’s often not your sister or best friend who’ll land you your next job. It could be anyone: your babysitter’s aunt, your coworker’s former neighbor, etc. First degree connections are great, but not the be all and end all. Think bigger than your immediate circle and branch out to use your whole network. Accept the third degree.2. Focus not on what your degree says, but what you actually knowYour major doesn’t matter that much. Besides, industries are changing so much and so rapidly these days that it is almost impossible to predict what the best field of study would be to land the work that will be most in demand–or how to meet the expanding demands of that industry. Focus on proving yourself to be a lifelong learner. Constantly accept opportunities to build new skills. Choose a field of study that gives you the broadest swatch of skill and knowledge. And then figure out how to put what you know into the proper contex t for any given job. Always think about how your particular group of skills could translate the position you’re applying for, and focus on communicating that.3. Focus on the power you do haveIt can feel powerless to be on the job market, but it doesn’t have to. Advances in technology and the gig economy mean that power is ever-shifting into the hands of job seekers. Be ready to wield it. Keep an eye on the market and be ready to pounce on new opportunities. It soon may be the case that companies come looking for you when you’re in the market for a challenging new opportunity. Until then, keep an open mind, and build your brand.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Construction Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Construction Law - Assignment Example Construction contract comprises of both revenue and cost. The revenues are the total amount received by the contractor and incentive payment. The revenue can increase or decrease depending on the nature of the contract. Cost escalation clause increase the total contract revenue while penalties imposed on the contractor by the client reduces the total revenue. The contract costs are divided into two: direct cost to the contract and general cost. The client takes care of the total cost. Contractors should use the Contract JCT SBC (Q) 2011 so as comply with the conditions of employees and the housing regulation in United Kingdom. Before beginning any job on the site, the contractor must be aware with the safety and healthy procedures of workers. It is the responsibility of the contractor to provide safe and healthy working to workers at thesite. All the individuals visiting the site should be protected from injuries at thesite. It is advisable that the contractor take an insurance policy for all workers to compensate for damages suffered. Healthy and safety officer is allowed to visit the site to monitor safety and health standards of the workers (Allensworth, 2009). The JCT SBC (Q) 2011 requires that contractors use materials which are less harmful to the health of the individuals. The materials should be free from asbestos, Urea formaldehyde, lead substance, Calcium silicate and mineral fibres substances. A substance like asbestos emits fibres substance that cause s cancer and other diseases to human beings. All substances should be prevented from the premise by using recommended materials in construction. Preston Developments Limited (PDL) and Contractor Build care Construction Limited (Build care) enter into a construction contract on 12th September 2014. The completion period was set to be on 10th June 2015. In accordance to the construction clauses, the contractor should accomplish the construction

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Positive Effects of Physical Activity and Sports on Child Development Research Paper

Positive Effects of Physical Activity and Sports on Child Development - Research Paper Example But how much activity is enough and what is the minimal level of activity that is needed to remain healthy, active and fit? Many guidelines have been proposed during the years, and the most commonly minimal stated amount of time that children should spend outdoors is 30 minutes (Janssen and LeBlanc, 2010, pp1). Guidelines recommend that the levels of physical activity should be increased gradually to almost 90 minutes per day (Janssen and LeBlanc, 2010, pp1). These guidelines and others have been formulated keeping in mind the minimal requirements of physical activity needed for the proper development of children. The level of activity differs from age to age; therefore even in children the time for their optimal physical development may differ. Following these guidelines may prevent some of the problems of sedentary lifestyle that are already emerging in children. In the United States approximately 45% of the boys and 32% of the girls participate in youth activities and sports in 20 01 (Cooper, 2010, pp 8). Although these rates seem healthy, they are not, for the rest of the children may not be taking part in sports at all, or may be doing so at a very minimal level. While one can see the positive benefits of physical activity on the children who do undergo it, there is need to identify what effects do not having any physical activity lead to (Cooper, 2010, pp 1). An important point to remember is that all individuals, regardless of their age and gender, need to undergo daily physical activity and exercise to lead healthy lives and prevent themselves from different ailments. Another consideration is why there is a difference between the levels of activities carried out by boys and girls. There is need to remove the sociocultural perceptions that boys play rough sports while girls stay at home and play with dolls. Physical activity is as important for girls as for boys (Cooper, 2010, pp 4). Studies show that children of both genders may have different motivation to carry out physical activity, and may perceive its results differently (Cooper, 2010, pp 4). However, a sad development in this matter is that physical activity has been substantially reduced or either almost eliminated in many schools across United States. This may aggravate the already worsening situation of sedentary lifestyles among children. The reasons stated for this cut are high costs and more emphasis on academic performances. This may be one of the most convincing reasons why the current generations of children are displaying adult related illnesses at very young ages. Obesity is increasing among children, which is taking a form of an epidemic now. The percentages of schools providing physical education have dropped to 3.8% for elementary schools, 7.9% for middle schools and 2.1% for high schools respectively (Active Education, 2007, pp 2). This means that these children are unlikely to be carrying out any physical activity outside of school premises either, since schoo ls provide the most fertile location to carry out sports. The impact on the children physically and mentally is evidenced through many epidemiological studies. But there is also no significant improvement in the academic scores of children when they are not undertaking physical activity (Active Education, 2007, pp 3). Combined survey results from the United States, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Australia showed that academic performa

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The World of Text of Prophecy of Ezekiel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

The World of Text of Prophecy of Ezekiel - Essay Example nderstanding, the reader can come to the appreciation of the fact that it is at least potentially likely that the prophecies that were at alluded to within the book of Ezekiel, specifically chapter 38, had not yet come to pass at the time that revelation itself was written by the apostle John. It is the hope of this particular student that such an exegesis will provide the reader with a more accurate and informed understanding of the overall relevance that Ezekiel 38 has to the prophetic understanding that is represented throughout the Old and New Testaments. As has been previously discussed, the large majority of topics discussed within the book of Ezekiel are predicated upon future events and prophetic understanding of the way in which the experience of the Jewish people would take place. Moreover, as this book was written during a time of exile, the focus of individuals within the era in which it was written was invariably focused upon redemption and a return to their native lands.1 Not surprisingly, the chapters preceding Ezekiel chapter 38 focus upon a discussion and analysis for why the exile had taken place, the sins of previous generations, and fact that God was actively seeking to punish those individuals who had worked against is divine laws, chapter 38 references interpretation and discussion of prophetic vision that is not contingent upon an entirely optimistic future.2 As such, chapter 38, and chapter 39 for that matter, specifically references the fact that the Jewish people will face trials and extreme hardships in the com ing years. Moreover, the memory of exile and difficulties of attempting to keep a relationship with God while amongst the heathens of Babylon is engaged in such a manner as so as to warn the reader that the excitement and jubilation for a long awaited return would not descend immediately into the type of old habits or behaviors that had in fact caused the exile to take originally take place. Yet, what has been discussed thus far

Friday, November 15, 2019

Pattern of Multinational Corporation based on cultural difference

Pattern of Multinational Corporation based on cultural difference With the development of economical globalization, the internationaloperation has become an important trend of development for enterprises.Multinational corporations are playing more and more important roles in theworld economy. While getting the big world market, they have to be facing morecomplex internal and external management environments. The cultural differenceis a noticeable influence factor. With more practice of management, moremanagers and scholars began to pay attention to this problem and do a lot ofresearches. How to reduce the adverse influence of culture difference inmultinational corporations human resource management (HRM) has become afocus in the field of trans-culture management. Subsidiaries and joint ventures in foreign countries are primary vehicles to market products internationally and to take advantage of the manufacturing capabilities of other countries (Li and Scullion 2006). Providing with the competitive labor cost and abundant resources, China now is the ideal manufacturing powerhouse where foreign investments have been booming up over the past decade. However, if there are major gains to be made, there are also risks. One of these is the management of human resources (Sergeant  and Frenkel 1998). Challenged by mainly the culture differences, managing the Chinese employees is never an easy task for a foreign manager. The high rate of turnover has been a substantial problem in managing Chinese employees in joint ventures in the Peoples Republic of China (Beamer, 1998). Many of the foreign executives still hold the concept that Chinese employees are eager to work for foreign companies in order to learn those advanced management knowledge and so on, and simply believe that the employees commitment is driven by such attitude. And therefore behave like evangelists on a mission to convert Chinese people to Western business practices (Jean 2009). However, as mentioned by Courtois (2009), the expectations and characterizations of Chinese nationals are shifting. Mentioned by Gross (2007) as well, most importantly, there is the need to ensure that differences in local practices and management are ironed out. At the very least, such differences should be understood and respected.  In another word, it is crucial that foreign managers shall understand the importance of learning how culture difference could be a key issue when managing Chinese employees and therefore make sure that they have the right attitude on managing Chinese employees before they start it. Cross-cultural researchers have argued for the need to develop frameworks that can help people from different cultures overcome obstacles to work together productively (Bond 2003). Some of the typical Chinese culture which are easily to be involved in work must be fully understood and foreign executives shall be aware of how to play with these culture differences so that enable themselves to manage people in an effective way. Such management which is based upon learning the culture and behavior of Chinese employee will help the company to form a stable and efficient HRM method in the long run. With increasing of the practical experience gained by foreign executives, more and more typical work related Chinese culture has been familiarized by western countries. Such as face and guanxi, were once and maybe still are the hard culture concepts for foreign executives to deal with when managing Chinese employees. Another challenging issue foreign managers have to face is that there is no such mature HRM knowledge in China. In earlier time, Child (1994) pointed out HRM is absent in Chinese companies while recently Li et al. (2007) mentioned that in China, HRM policy and practice are in a state of flux. Therefore, this has made it difficult for foreign managers to introduce their preferred approach in joint ventures (Sergeant  and Frenkel 1998). Literature Review Human resources management theory Human resources management functions Human resource management (HRM) is a function in an organisation wherein it focuses on employee-related activities. In other words, it deals with the management of, recruitment of and providing direction for the people who work in the organisation. It is usually involved with issues that are related to people. Among these is the process of hiring, organisation development, compensation, wellness, employee motivation, administration, performance management, safety, training, communication and the benefits . Similarly, Ledge (2005) states that human resource management is the management of a workforce and it can be both an academic theory and business practice. In addition, According to Lipiec (2001), human resource management is the process of coordinating an organisations human resources, or employees, to meet organisational goals. Human resource professionals deal with such areas as employee recruitment and selection, performance evaluation, compensation and benefits, professional d evelopment, safety and health, forecasting, and labour relations. Price (2004) defines human resource management as a belief of people management on the idea that human resources are significant factors in maintaining the success of a business. He discussed that a company obtains a competitive advantage by practicing an efficient usage of its personnel, using their expertise and creativity to reach the organisations purposes. Moreover, human resource management (HRM) seeks to employ capable, flexible and committed personnel. In contradiction, Bach (2005) stated that HRM is unitarist, the interests of employees and other stakeholders are marginalised, there is a great importance on the individual firm that is channeled on each employee, there is a logical playing down of external and collective issues. Some of the challenges today in human resource management are maintaining a diverse workforce, dealing with major technological changes, keeping up with governmental regulations, handling corporate restructuring and downsising, and formulating strategies essential to personnel management . These challenges need to be addressed in order to render an effective management of human resources. It is said that the philosophy of human resource management is based on the simple belief that human resources are the most important asset in achieving and sustained business success. This realisation became the driving force behind the creation of human resource management resulting in organisations taking a strategic approach to the management of their people. The true worth of human resource management is becoming more widely understood as human resource management steadily interweaves all aspects of people management and development within the company . Thus, the HR has to gain knowledge of and become skilled at in the host country because the setting may be diametrically opposed to the home nation. Even on a more personal note, managers in HR have a lot to do with the employees in the company. Especially in a foreign country, the manager should be aware of the local practices and traditions if there are any. The fringe benefits the company offers may have to be adjusted in rela tion to what the host country deems acceptable. Considering all these responsibilities and the ramifications involved if there is no proper implementation, the position as HR manager should be handled by one who has relevant qualifications and experience.Although the knowledge may be gained and experience earned, it is necessary primarily because the tasks involved calls for managerial functions. They may not be very necessary if the need is for HR staff. As a member of the staff, there will be a lot of information to be gleaned and eventually, imbued. However, as the position specifically requires managerial functions, so should there be expertise in the field.HRM should not be underestimated. Efficient management is no mean feat, especially in a foreign setting like in host countries where there are a myriad of differences in the social, cultural, political, economic and ethical aspects. Overall, it can be said that the human resource management is not just about the functional responsibility of a company. More so, there is a need for managers to participate in the practices of the human resources in a daily basis. In other words, the human resource management is not just a mere department of the company but it entails the active participation of the head of the company such as the manager (Human Resource Management, 2007). we adopt a holistic perspective in considering the impact of the countrys environment as well as the multinational corporations (MNCs) strategy on human resource (HR) practices. More importantly, we argue that within MNCs human resource management (HRM) is playing a central role in the process of balancing local and global forces. HR can be critical in helping MNCs deal with local differences while also helping the company implement practices that are critical for its global strategy. Specifically, we argue that HR plays a key role in developing s ocial capital, which may provide the necessary substitutes for formal control that would otherwise be neglected. Our contribution lies primarily in outlining how this new role of creating human capital confers on HR the task of filtering mission-critical practices through a localization mesh that ensures success. In addition, given the importance of social capital as an informal mechanism that allows MNCs to coordinate and integrate activities, we suggest ways in which an MNC can build social capital within the context of the Latin American pan-regional cultural values. 2.3 International Human Resource Management International human resource management or IHRM is about the management of people in the international environment. By international, IHRM implies that it involves the intersection of multiple fields in the management. For instance, it includes the human resource management as well as international management. Through the phenomenon of international human resource management, one is able to gain a broader meaning and understanding of the traditional HRM (Academy of Management Human Resource Division, 2004). Many expatriate human resource (HR) policies, particularly in the area of compensation, remain rooted in the past because they continue to favor the expatriate over local staff and do not take into account the increasing qualifications and aspirations of these local employees. Inequitable treatment leads to low commitment and poor work performance among local staff. More importantly, inequitable treatment creates tension between local and expatriate employees and causes the local staff to be less willing to be cooperative or supportive of the expatriates with whom they have to work. Without local support, expatriates may experience greater difficulty adjusting to their new jobs and the new environment, which is a contributing factor in the failure of expatriates. It is critical that multinational companies are aware that some existing HR practices have potentially unintended negative consequences and that neglecting the impact of these practices on local employees hurts the effectiveness of the organization as well as the ability of expatriates to succeed in their assignment. According to Briscoe and Schuler (2004), there is an increasing need to discuss the issue on international human resource management because the conduct of business is increasingly international in scope and managing human resources is critical to the successful conduct of global business. With the emerging trends such as globalisation and modernisation, the process of international human resource management is greatly affected. Particularly, the changes incurred by international human resource management have been greatly shaped by these trends. Through globalisation, there is a perceived disappearance of the national or geographic boundaries. The conduct of business activities from one country to another has become highly possible through the globalisation process. And with the aid of modernisation, the conduct of business affairs or activities has become faster and more convenient. Budhwar and Debrah (2001) provide various factors that paved the way for the increased need in human resource management by business organisations. According to them, human resource management is all the more important because of the increasing levels of globalisation as well as internationalisation of business, the growth of new markets (such as in Africa, Eastern Europe, China, India, South-East Asia and Latin America), the growth of new international business blocs (such as NAFTA, the European Union, ASEAN) and an increased level of competition among firms at both national and international level. And so, it seems to be that the world develops to become a global business village, thereby increasing the need to know the ways in which managers in various parts of the world cope with the problems and issues that are related to the management of human resources. This study aims to get a clearer picture of why multinational companies (MNCs) send out expatriates. It identifies three organizational functions of international transfers: position filling, management development and coordination and control. Based on an empirical study with results from 212 subsidiaries of MNCs from nine different home countries, located in 22 different host countries, it shows that the importance that is attached to these functions differs between subsidiaries in MNCs from different home countries, between subsidiaries in different host regions and in addition varies with the level of cultural difference. Sees position filling as most important for subsidiaries of US and British MNCs and in the Latin American and Far Eastern regions. It argues that these differences might have important consequences for expatriate management. It sees management development as most important for subsidiaries of German, Swiss and Dutch MNCs and as tending to occur more in Anglo-Sax on countries than in the Far East. Indeed, the internationalisation of almost all business is evident on the prevalence of MNCs/MNEs (Multinational Corporations/Multinational Enterprises). And so, as the business organisations become more active in the international arena, the need for human resource management becomes more crucial. But as one tends to venture into the international business, there are more problems and issues that need to be addressed. And so, the globalisation of business presents the managers and the organisations more challenges and difficulties especially in the field of human resource management. This has been confirmed by Clark et al. (1999) by stating that while there is an increasing number of organisations that seek to operate in foreign markets, there is also an increasing challenge for the international management of human resources. Among the key three challenges to international HRM are marginality, parochialism and ethnocentrism. With this, it is essential to develop a better understanding of, and sensitivity to, the impact of different national settings on the management task. 2.4 Significance of Human Resource Management The need for human resource management by business organisations, especially the major ones, is crucial to its success. In fact, this aspect cannot be eliminated by organisations if they are to ensure an effective and successful conduct of business. This is because human resource management serves as an organisational function that realises the goals of the company. With the effective management of human resources, the company is also effective in the conduct of its activities or the delivering of its business. And so, it can be said the human resource management is integral to the success of every business organisations. Jahn (1999) considers the humans as the greatest assets of the organisation. Because without the humans, organisations will not be able to complete the everyday functions such as cash flow management, dealing with customers, communicating through all forms of media as well as making business transactions. Indeed, it is the humans and their potentials that drive the organisation. The human resource management ensures that employees are able to meet the goals of the organisations. In other words, HRM maximises the productivity of an organisation through the process of optimising the effectiveness of its employees. And in spite of the ever-increasing pace of change in the business world, this mandate on HRM is unlikely to change in any fundamental way. According to Encyclopedia of Small Business (2002), the basic mission human resources will always be to acquire, develop, and retain talent; align the workforce with the business; and be an excellent contributor to the business. Furthermore, the managing of international employees by multinational and domestic organisations is perceived to be important in the changing landscape of the business environment. In fact, there has been a fundamental change in the global thinking, as evident in the actions, of the organisations. With this, human resource management is important in realising the need for organisations to remain innovative in what may be contracting and rationalising markets or even markets that are being shaken up by new entrants and new competitive behavior. Meanwhile, the initiatives which are aimed at improving the financial, temporal as well as functional flexibility are introduced in order to address the need to deliver the radical cost improvements. And with the increasing flexibility, there is also the desire of the firms to change their employee and their sense of involvement (Brewster, Harris and Sparrow, 2004). Today, the true worth of employees among business firms is more widely expressed through human resource management. The idea that human resources are the most important asset in achieving and sustained business success becomes the driving force behind the creation of human resource management resulting in organisations taking a strategic approach to the management of their people. Since this conceptual realisation, human resource management has become increasingly influential in the fashions and implementations of corporate strategy. A review of the origin guides us in providing an adequate definition of strategic HRM. Management development as defined by Bromley as follows: A conscious and systematic process to control the development of managerial resources in the organization for the achievement for goals and strategies (Molander,C. (1986) Management Development. Bromley: Chartwell-Bratt) The traditional concept of workforce or succession planning (forecasting vacancies and/or new knowledge, skills, and abilities, identifying/cultivating in-house and outside talent pools) is more important than ever in a fast paced environment. (Robert Kreitner., 2001). The idea Human Resource Management (HRM) came from the U.S. in the 1980s because the companies in USA were developed at that time, because of this, the models of Strategic HRM were emerging. The strategic HRM pays its attention to the manpower planning. It focuses on the effective management of people. It views people as a source of competitive advantage. HRM i s a strategic way of developing, motivating and gaining the potential of both the people and the external resources. The combination of a globalized workforce with massive mobility is compelling organizations to work with growing numbers of people from different cultures, with different customs, values, beliefs, and practices. This article describes some of the factors HR managers and company leadership must account for to create global people policies and practices that reflect the common culture of the organization, yet adapt to local realities and business needs. Cases drawn from the authors consulting work with multinational business not only describe specific challenges faced by those firms, but also highlight the broader trends that all global companies need to understand and manage. As multinational corporations become increasingly central to the world economy, the need to attract and retain executives to manage these corporations gains in importance. For the multinational executive, the traditional business functions of marketing, finance, production and personnel must be synthesized with u nfamiliar political, economic and sociocultural systems. These unique dimensions of the multinational executives job require a reward/compensation system that considers these diverse variables. Through a detailed literature review and discussions with specialists in the field, thirteen factors were identified as being unique to the multinational executives job: (1) size of the company, (2) number of expatriates abroad, (3) industry characteristics, (4) relative inflation, (5) relative living costs, (6) cultural differences, (7) currency fluctuations, (8) relative buying power, (9) difficulty with communication systems, (10) freedom to act enjoyed by the executive, (11) key strategic and financial measures for which the executive is responsible, (12) exposure to different legal systems, and (13) working under different political systems. These factors were then presented (via questionnaires) to samples of international line executives and human resource management executives, who wer e asked to rate the desirability of using these variables in a compensation program for international executives. The similarities and differences of opinions contained in their responses were analyzed, and reasons for the differences were studied and documented. Finally, using statistical techniques, the researcher developed a set of decision-making systems that incorporated many of the traditional and nontraditional variables developed earlier in the research. Customer satisfaction has become a very important aspect of business management in the high technology market. Companies that provide products and services worldwide often are concerned that customer satisfaction may be impacted by cultural differences. This study examines measures of customer satisfaction in areas around the world to determine whether or not there is a difference in satisfaction scores provided by Help Desks. A sample of more than 11579 surveys from three large international companies in the computer and me dical electronics areas was used. The statistical results at a 5% confidence level indicate there is a difference in customer perception in Help Desk support between that provided to US customers than that provided to Thailand customers. The results clearly indicate that companies need to understand these differences in order to optimize the use of their resources and to adjust their service offerings to respond to their different customer needs and expectations. A growing body of research has challenged the commonly accepted view that multinationals have evolved into globally integrated networks, demonstrating instead that such organizations are sites of conflict between competing rationalities emerging from distinctive national institutional contexts. However, this research has neglected professional service firms (PSFs) in spite of them often being held as exemplars of the integrated network model. This article redresses this imbalance by focusing, in particular, on how PSFs seek to coordinate the horizontal flow of their human resources as a mechanism of inter-unit knowledge sharing. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of individual factors on the transfer of human resource management (HRM) knowledge in Chinese subsidiaries of multinational corporations, and to explore the relationships between individual factors and introduce the concept of joint effect-integrated capability. Based on the notion that certain factors can affect knowledge transfer (KT), Cindy ¼Ã‹â€ 2008 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° examines the effect of four factors, i.e. cultural difference and adaptability, language and communication, working relationship, and motivation and willingness, on the transfer of HRM knowledge. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted between January and April 2004 and an exploratory data analysis was carried out with the assistance of Nvivo software. The study has found that Chinese HR managers have the ability of all four factors to fac ilitate the transfer of HRM knowledge. The findings further suggest that integrated capability-joint effect could be generated from the four factors and affect the transfer process jointly. When the capability is positive, it facilitates the transfer. Conversely, when the capability is negative, it impedes the transfer. The findings not only extend the understanding of the effect of single factor on KT, but also the interrelationship between individual factors, their joint effect-integrated capability and the transfer process. Existing research has concentrated on studying the effect of single factor on KT, knowledge management by and large. There is little research investigating the correlations between individual factors. He addresses this gap and introduces the concept of joint effect, integrated capability. So-called cross-culture human resource management, the enterprise is cross-cultural human resources management. Cross cultural enterprises, just as its name implies, it is to point to by from different cultural backgrounds and cross-cultural differences exist composed of staff. In cross-cultural in human resources management, enterprise or the company is due by the two countries or multinational companies in the host country composed of partnership and across the nation, the government and international business management of cross-cultural economic entity, so the cultural factors of influence multinational enterprise is comprehensive. Research method and methodology There are two research methods, that is ,qualitative and quantitative research methods. The former focuses on a descriptive method,the laster is to be gathered from the source are in descriptive form and thus may vary based on the source or the respondent. quantitative research method can be useful for the study if the focus is on driving towards a point or deriving a particular information based on the other information that were gathered. We try to combine both the qualitative and quantitative research method. 2.1qualitative and quantitative research While the research will be using statistical means for the interpretation of the data, descriptive assessment will also be combined to give the researcher more insight concerning the cultural adaptability of companies in the foreign market as well as issues regarding the human resource management of the one of the most important approaches for this research is the semi structured interview which can provide abundant objective information and help me to gain insight into the related problems and phenomena. Interview can be more in-depth and can address more complex hypotheses and it is easier to obtain the appropriate respondent through interview (Alderman 2009). In order to explore the ideas behind related problems, both foreign managers and representatives of Chinese employees will be interviewed as I believe that comparison of ideas from both sides will help this research to generate more depth and objective view towards the research question. Moreover, the informat ion provides by Chinese employees could explore the idea of how Chinese employees view their foreign managers management methods, and that paves the way for further analysis. The interviewed will be conducted with both structured questionnaire and free talk. The aim of such a design is to collect basic required data for analysis and obtain any new ideas could possibly be given by interviewees at the same time as the interview goes on.Besides, through interview, other specific HRM practices could be explained in a detail way, issues such as recruitment, performance management, training, retention, etc. These information are essential for the research to deploy the analysis of HRM issue. Beside, with these data gained from the interview and the previous review of related literatures, a qualitative analysis could be achieved eventually.Another effective approach is email contact with key persons in the organization. Such approach is particular effective as the way of operating it is re latively easy and free. When the research proceeds, some new information may need to be acquired in order to help develop necessary analysis in different stage of the research. Through email contact, such information acquisition could be achieved in an effective way. Telephone interview could be more effective compared to email contact, however, considering that the topic of the conversation may not be that free as it involves different culture and ideas about other peoples behaviour and so on, therefore, telephone interview is not an appropriate approach for this research.In addition, one of the superior managers from headquarters who is in charge of the overall HRM within the whole group will also be contact through email. By doing so, a view on managing Chinese employees in the subsidiary from the parent company could be derived, which could help the research to achieve a more complete analysis towards the topic. Meanwhile, email contact could also be perceived as an effective wa y to prove the information gained from interview. Questions in the email will be designed differently according to the position and the role of the receiver within the company. 2.2Comparative research Comparative research focus is found the differences and similarities between different cultures, and then determine what theory is applied to all cultures, which is only applicable to a particular cultural background. This method is not the premise of so-called body culture, only different culture of the similarity is believed to be the universal phenomena. Most experts and scholars all previous is adopted the method of comparison research of cross-cultural management problems, because in the management of cross-cultural environment, you need to identify the differences between the different cultures, and only after comparing to identify. 2.3 Data Collection Design For the research strategy of this study, the fundamental idea is to make comparison of related literatures and empirical experiences provided by communicating with related employees in the case study, so that to obtain depth understanding of opinions explained by those related literatures and to explain the practical situation with more relative literature reviews, therefore, to achieve a more overall and practical research on this topic through such comparison.For the research design of this study, basically, this research will be conducted based on a case study of a multinational manufacturing company in China. Before that, relative literature review will be processed in order to generate more accurate analysis and ideas on the research question. The ultimate quality and success of research are often a reflection of the time and effort invested in developing research ideas and concepts, a stage of planning that includes becoming familiar with the literature (Congdon and Dunham 1999 ). Then, taking the advantage of the fact that I had been working for the company for almost 5 years and had built up good relationship with all related managers and other employees, I can easily get access to the company and get sufficient information as required for this research. Besides, the company is showing great interest of this research and would like to cooperate with my work since this research could somehow help them to improve the management of Chinese employees in some way. This research adopted the personal administered questionnaire. Clark et al, (1998) stated that the great advantage of the personally administered questionnaire is that the researcher has more control, can clarify or repeat any questions and can strengthen open-ended questions by allowing larger answers and asking supplementary questions. Through this process, new factors maybe identified and a deeper understanding of the

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

College Admissions Essays: An Influential Person or Event :: College Admissions Essays

An influential Person/event It seemed like it would make her die, just speaking it. So I didn't tell anyone, not even my best friends. At school I would slip into a fantastical dreamland, nobody there knew that I should be troubled, pensive. I put on my best front and paraded around the school halls with some sort of smile plastered on my face. At lunchtime I'd stare at my food thinking that my friends should know. I thought of a million different ways to tell them. Each time that I came close to telling them, I would think about their potential reactions. There would be the normal lunchtime banter going on, complaints about the ranch dressing, and I would blurt out, "Hey guys, my mom has breast cancer." The whole cafeteria would turn silent and the plastic forks would drop from their hands, making a sad little clinking noise. Then I would stare at my food mentally kicking myself for having opened my mouth. I chose to say nothing. I remember very clearly the day that I went to go sit with her while she got her chemotherapy. I only did this once because it was too hard for me. I walked down an overly-lit sterile hallway trailing behind my dad. When we reached her room I wished that I could just keep walking, pretend I hadn't seen her. I went in and sat down. Her shirt was partially unbuttoned so that the IV could be inserted into the porto-cath surgically implanted under her collarbone. She was hooked up to three different kinds of poisons, and one normal IV. There were some knitting things spread across her lap and the ever present bag of lemon drops was faithfully at her side. Her head was laid back in the chair, she was tired. She and my dad tried to involve me in some nice chit-chat, I met and shook hands with the doctors and nurses, "It's nice to meet you Dr. McCoy." Yeah right. They complimented her on what a beautiful daughter she had. I blushed, smiled politely then excused myself to the bathroom. I wiped away my forming tears and gave myself a mental pep talk to be cheery. As long as I didn't look at her tired eyes I was OK. Half an hour later, she was done and we got to go home. College Admissions Essays: An Influential Person or Event :: College Admissions Essays An influential Person/event It seemed like it would make her die, just speaking it. So I didn't tell anyone, not even my best friends. At school I would slip into a fantastical dreamland, nobody there knew that I should be troubled, pensive. I put on my best front and paraded around the school halls with some sort of smile plastered on my face. At lunchtime I'd stare at my food thinking that my friends should know. I thought of a million different ways to tell them. Each time that I came close to telling them, I would think about their potential reactions. There would be the normal lunchtime banter going on, complaints about the ranch dressing, and I would blurt out, "Hey guys, my mom has breast cancer." The whole cafeteria would turn silent and the plastic forks would drop from their hands, making a sad little clinking noise. Then I would stare at my food mentally kicking myself for having opened my mouth. I chose to say nothing. I remember very clearly the day that I went to go sit with her while she got her chemotherapy. I only did this once because it was too hard for me. I walked down an overly-lit sterile hallway trailing behind my dad. When we reached her room I wished that I could just keep walking, pretend I hadn't seen her. I went in and sat down. Her shirt was partially unbuttoned so that the IV could be inserted into the porto-cath surgically implanted under her collarbone. She was hooked up to three different kinds of poisons, and one normal IV. There were some knitting things spread across her lap and the ever present bag of lemon drops was faithfully at her side. Her head was laid back in the chair, she was tired. She and my dad tried to involve me in some nice chit-chat, I met and shook hands with the doctors and nurses, "It's nice to meet you Dr. McCoy." Yeah right. They complimented her on what a beautiful daughter she had. I blushed, smiled politely then excused myself to the bathroom. I wiped away my forming tears and gave myself a mental pep talk to be cheery. As long as I didn't look at her tired eyes I was OK. Half an hour later, she was done and we got to go home.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Poetry Analysis: Persimmons Essay

â€Å"See through.† Surely, most people have experienced this feeling before, the feelings of being seen, but not truly â€Å"seen.† As if every part of their being, their roots, their culture, and history meant nothing and holds no value to anyone but themselves, just as the speaker is raised in a bi-lingual, bi-culture atmosphere although most of us may be forgotten throughout our lifetime from daily encounters or short terms relationships; semester long classmates and professors, the poem â€Å"Persimmons† by Li-Young Lee reveals to us with his brilliant use of imagery, symbolism, and other literary devices, emotions so rooted, that they almost escape words. In the poem, the reality revealed is that we will someday fade away from people and this world. But that the true beauty lies during the events in our lives and until the finale, we are the ones to hold the sweet, ripe â€Å"Persimmon,† a sacred and distinct â€Å"sun inside [each of us]†¦ golden [and] warm.† Li-Young Lee implements imagery and symbolism to underline the metamorphosis of the early life of the struggles of social placement of a young American Chinese boy to the deep passions of a young man. â€Å"Persimmons† teach us that even if we may go blind, just like the speakers father in the poem, it comes to show that our experiences of life, that despite not everyone will appreciate, or understand fully, that it is something that will forever remain etched in our souls. At first the poem starts out a bit scattered. There were several pieces that did not seem to follow the time and meaning, but while seemingly scattered, his memories do in fact connect in several ways. As one specific device, most of his recollections involve the symbol of the Chinese fruit, persimmons. The poem begins with an unpleasant memory from the speaker’s sixth grade classroom where he recalls being slapped on the head and ordered to â€Å"stand in the corner for not knowing the difference/between [the words] persimmon and precision†(3-5). Right at that moment the speaker’s attitude is that of confusion. In the first stanza, we learn that Mrs. Walker was the speaker’s teacher in sixth grade: In sixth grade Mrs. Walker Slapped the back of my head and made me stand in the corner for not knowing the difference between persimmon and precision. How to choose   persimmons. This is precision. (1-6) To Mrs. Walker, the point is simple; the young boy, whose native language is Chinese, simply cannot attain and grasp the elements of English. Clearly he confuses the words that are seen from Mrs. Walker’s point of view to have nothing in common, but maybe only holds similar sounds and that is all. But in the boy’s mind, the two words are connected in a way that Mrs. Walker will never grasp without delving deep. A particular literary device that Lee uses is the choice of enjambment at the word â€Å"choose,† (6) which breaks the first stanza and draws attention to the act of selection, and the process of making choices. Although in the first stanza it is seen that the speaker, as a child and as a student is stripped from the power to choose in the process and codes of the incident of his classroom assimilation, he regains power by justifying his linguistic conflations of the words â€Å"persimmon and precision,† (5) by connecting the words through their sim ilar sounds and by symbolic association: â€Å"How to choose/ persimmons. This is precision† (6– 7) and â€Å"fight and fright, wren and yarn† (31). While justifying the melting pot of his words, he also re-claims control by demonstrating his command of the English language. In the second stanza, however, Lee elaborates on the correct way of carefully selecting and eating a persimmon, and along with that it is affirmed that the speaker does in fact know the difference between the two words. The speaker reveals his understanding of â€Å"precision† in the diction being used by Lee to describe how to pick out and eat a persimmon; the words â€Å"soft,† â€Å"sweet,† â€Å"sniff,† and â€Å"brown-spotted, are given to the fruit characterizing it and transcending the physical sense of the Chinese fruit and transforming it into an important element, and symbol. Whereas the character of Mrs. Walker  would fall in the category of the â€Å"teachers† that one may meet throughout life. It can be anyone: from a school teacher, a semester –long college peer, a random onlooker, or society itself. However, these â€Å"teachers† not judge one’s personality, but are also ignorant. In defined terms; a person may be treated as a sheep, when in fact, they are the ones fenced in, not able to reach, see or feel further; they do not bother to survey into the deep and enigmatic waters of people, Self, and emotions, in this case, the boy’s mind. The teacher is not aware that his mind is full of different worlds; the world or emotions, and his rich culture. The only thing they perceive is that the boy may have a problem; that the boy has trouble with words, which in a way he does, but for him, the words that tend to â€Å"stick out of the page† for him are because of the assimilations that they induce: Ripe ones are soft and brown-spotted. Sniff the bottoms. The sweet one Will be fragrant. How to eat: Put the knife away, lay down the newspaper. Peel the skin tenderly, not to tear the meat. Chew the skin, suck it,  and swallow. Now, eat   the meat of the fruit,  so sweet,  all of it, to the heart. Can Mrs. Walker and anyone belonging to this pragmatic world even care to imagine the world within him? To the speaker a persimmon is precision, because one needs the ability of perceiving a precise persimmon and the persimmon itself is precision by its existence; a soft fruit, the shape, the smell of a ripe one is an art; not everyone has the talent to spot one and the proper knowledge of how to eat one, just like Mrs. Walker incorrectly prepares the persimmons for the class, as she uses a knife to â€Å"cut it up† (41) as if she were â€Å"cutting up† this demonstrates her violation of the Chinese culture of the speaker. The poem takes on a dramatic turn at the third stanza, where the speaker fast  forwards through time. Here the speaker describes the moment of a passionate experience with his lover. Here by Lee’s use of symbolism and contrasting word choice is significant because of specific time and place it is being used. In this moment, the speaker has forgotten his Chinese, this could represent the past problems of assimilation to have faded in the aspect of the triumph over the English language. Although he has perhaps gained societal acceptance as an Asian American, he has also gravely lost, where his loss out wins his gain; the loss of his native language, the loss of his culture. As a second interpretation would be that when the speaker forgets about the â€Å"Dew† and the fact that they are â€Å"Naked,† but recalls the â€Å"Crickets: chiu chiu† and that â€Å"Ni, wo: [means] you and me† represents his total captivation in the moment, the moment when tw o lovers unite, creating a union, one perhaps forgets that fact of nakedness, because perhaps in that beautiful moment, one does not feel naked, because their significant other is there, and they are all they need to feel covered, a moment were all barriers are broken, both feel free comfortable in the bareness, where he even forgets the background sound playing. By the use of symbolism, it is known that â€Å"Persimmon† is the main symbol, and so acts as a metaphor of the love scene, focusing on the passionate experience that marks the speaker for life. In the ninth stanza, a new scene is present and there is another shift in time, this time the speaker is a mature adult, visiting his parents, but also revisiting old memories, that arouse ancient feelings. In this particular stanza, Lee’s use of vivid imagery is openly present, where he describes the speakers elderly father who has gone blind: I rummage, looking for something I lost†¦. I find a box†¦. three paintings by my father: Hibiscus leaf and a white flower. Two cats preening. Two persimmons, so full they want to drop from the cloth. †¦.Which is this? †¦.Oh, the feel of the wolf tail on the silk, the strength, the tense precision in the wrist†¦. Eyes closed. These I painted blind. Some things never leave a person: Scent of the hair of one you love, The texture of persimmons, in your palm, the ripe weight. (62-88). Lee’s use of concrete details allows has a great impact and effect on this particular poem, because it draws the reader in, allowing them to engage and become more attune to the feelings the poet is trying to transmit: the sight of the Hibiscus, the movements of the â€Å"cat’s preening† (75). Although the speaker’s father has lost his eyesight, he can still â€Å"see† the world. When a person goes blind, they are shut out from the world, but the thing that stays with the person transcends the sense of vision; the smell, the texture, the weight of the persimmon that the father speaks of that will â€Å"never leave a person,† (85) that the feel of a ripe persimmon in the palm will remain a part of you , just like the speakers culture, his memories and experiences. This could also represent an important shift in the poems tone, in that the speakers finally accepts his culture or art of reminiscing of familiar emotions, both like being â€Å"back home.† His experiences, although not entirely positive, have helped him grow into the man he is now. Li-Young Lee, by using sensory imagery and â€Å"precise† diction along with the informal stanza structure, reveals to the reader that, despite the speakers his bi-cultural past, he has now realized, through his experiences, that some of the most important things will not always be â€Å"visible† and he is at peace with his culture. The obscurity of words that Lee demonstrates in this poem correlates with the obscure and that of which is not accepted in our materialistic, and practical world. But the bitter-sweet irony of it all is that at times, as soon as something like a marvelous feeling or thought is put into words, its mystical beauty may diminish. This poem is not only a self contained piece of poetry. It is art, a ticket to see, witness, and feel between our and the poet’s inner world. Li-Young Lee, knowing that words cannot directly express these feelings; he us es his poetry as a tool to evoke such feelings in us utilizing the informal poetic form and the advantage of symbolism and imagery, has allowed us to picture detailed, vivid scenes to show us how superficial and apathetic the world around us can be to the secretly immense, and passionate world in each of us. Citation Dmitry, Divov. â€Å"Analysis of Persimmons by Li-Young Lee.† Web. 25 Feb 2012. .

Friday, November 8, 2019

Marijuana Use

Marijuana Use Marijuana Use Right at this very moment, Billions of dollars are being spent to fight a battle that Billions of people don't support, against a substance that isn't doing anyone harm. Marijuana has been around forever, and the reason it has been around for so long is that people enjoy smoking it! It relaxes you when you are tense and calms you down when you are angry. If you get caught with Marijuana in B.C. you can apply for drug treatment instead of doing hard time. In Canada we even have our own party that supports marijuana! And if you have been living underneath a rock for the past year they are the Green Party. I have gone to their store in Vancouver and they smoke weed all day in the store and the cops don't care that they do! so again I say why waste money on the fight against marijuana when even our law enforcement wont do a thing about it? Everyone these days smokes it and when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE, and I know tons of my friends parents who smoke it Daily, which m eans if the adults don't care about it and they must have smoked a lot in their day then the money this country spends everyday to try and fight the war on marijuana is a waste of billions of dollars and time.Day 149 - West Midlands Police - Tackling drug rel...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on A Letter 2 Santa

A Letter To Santa Snowflakes softly falling Upon your window they play Your blankets snug around you, Into sleep you drift away. I bend to gently kiss you, when I see that on the floor there's a letter, neatly written I wonder who it's for. I quietly unfold it making sure you're still asleep, It's a Christmas list for Santa one my heart will always keep. It started just as always with the toys seen on TV, A new watch for your father and a winter coat for me. But as my eyes read on I could see that deep inside there were many things you wished for that your loving heart would hide. You asked if your friend Molly could have another Dad; It seems her father hits her and it makes you very sad. Then you asked dear Santa if the neighbors down the street Could find a job, that he might have some food, and clothes, and heat. You saw a family on the news whose house had blown away, "Dear Santa, send them just one thing, a place where they can stay." "And Santa, those four cookies that I left you for a treat, Could you take them to the children who have nothing else to eat." "Do you know that little bear I have the one I love so dear? I'm leaving it for you to take to Africa this year". "And as you fly your reindeer on this night of Jesus' birth, Could your magic bring to everyone goodwill and peace on earth". "There's one last thing before you go, so grateful I would be, If you'd smile at Baby Jesus in the manger by our tree." I pulled the letter close to me' I felt it melt my heart. Those tiny hands had written what no other could impart. "And a little child shall lead them," was whispered in my ear As I watched you sleep on Christmas Eve while Santa Claus was here.... Free Essays on A Letter 2 Santa Free Essays on A Letter 2 Santa A Letter To Santa Snowflakes softly falling Upon your window they play Your blankets snug around you, Into sleep you drift away. I bend to gently kiss you, when I see that on the floor there's a letter, neatly written I wonder who it's for. I quietly unfold it making sure you're still asleep, It's a Christmas list for Santa one my heart will always keep. It started just as always with the toys seen on TV, A new watch for your father and a winter coat for me. But as my eyes read on I could see that deep inside there were many things you wished for that your loving heart would hide. You asked if your friend Molly could have another Dad; It seems her father hits her and it makes you very sad. Then you asked dear Santa if the neighbors down the street Could find a job, that he might have some food, and clothes, and heat. You saw a family on the news whose house had blown away, "Dear Santa, send them just one thing, a place where they can stay." "And Santa, those four cookies that I left you for a treat, Could you take them to the children who have nothing else to eat." "Do you know that little bear I have the one I love so dear? I'm leaving it for you to take to Africa this year". "And as you fly your reindeer on this night of Jesus' birth, Could your magic bring to everyone goodwill and peace on earth". "There's one last thing before you go, so grateful I would be, If you'd smile at Baby Jesus in the manger by our tree." I pulled the letter close to me' I felt it melt my heart. Those tiny hands had written what no other could impart. "And a little child shall lead them," was whispered in my ear As I watched you sleep on Christmas Eve while Santa Claus was here....

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Environmental Studies - Air Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Environmental Studies - Air Pollution - Essay Example Air pollution also affects the environment in that it causes visibility impairment, damages soil property and structure and most unfortunately, it harms the ozone which in turn changes the structure of the ecosystem Schenelle, Benedict and Alfred say (25), reduces the amount and rate of CO2 by plants .Ozone damage may also cause reduction in biodiversity. Vallero (54) mentioned that biologically, the effects of the air pollution are easily evident among animals who primarily feed on plants that have been affected by the effects of air pollution. The exact direct effect of air pollution on human beings has been hard to measure due to the exposure to other numerous pollution and early medical treatment. Since air pollution is usually in gaseous form it tends to move around easily and globally. Abiotic factors are usually non living things that exist in the environment that affect how living organisms live. Minerals, temperature, salinity, wind, air, light, soil conditions, cloud cover and water availability are some of the examples of the abiotic factors in an ecosystem. Air pollution inevitably affects the cloud cover which in turn regulates the intensity of light penetration to the atmosphere. This affects plants in that they are not able to make food and it also predisposes human beings to rickets. Contaminants in the air specifically carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide sometimes mix with molecules of water or rain to form acid rain. Acid rain is corrosive in nature, because of this it burns the plants sometimes to complete wither and death. â€Å"This rain also causes corrosion of infrastructure through rust, and weakening them which causes accidents that usually not anticipated†, says Holgate (13). Air pollution also affects the rainfall timing and sequence. Biotic factors are living organisms in the ecosystem. Fungus, bacteria, mammals, plants are some of the examples of ecosystem biotic factors. Air pollution determines which vegetati on grows properly and where. Most animals survive under specific weather conditions, but, air pollution has completely altered the temperature of specific places. Light penetration in aquatic bodies has affected the manner in which aquatic animals thrive in their environment. Human beings are known to release dangerous substances into the air which in turn affects them, animals and plant. Air pollution is becoming a great problem to the human race, especially the elderly and children who have slightly weaker respiratory systems compared to the entire demographic sects. Depletion of the ozone layer, smog presence in the environment and global warming are some of the major human facilitated air pollution as mentioned by Schnelle et al. (63). These adverse effects are known to cause numerous and sometimes rare diseases to human beings. Quite often these diseases are respiratory infections or skin diseases as mentioned by Holgate (35).Human beings are also involved in forums to design n ew rule and technology to reduce air pollution. The current environmental and conservation problems caused by air pollution include: Fossil fuel emission has led to depletion of the ozone layer. Excessive release of poisonous gases has led to destruction of wildlife Death of animals from fluoride toxicity. Respiratory and skin diseases on human beings Chlorosis in plants cause by overexposure to acid rain. Global warming. Deforestation. Some of the measure or steps to be taken to prevent or at least reduce the amount of air

Friday, November 1, 2019

Crime-Prevention Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crime-Prevention Strategies - Essay Example Crime prevention techniques are being introduced by the criminologists so that the people avoid doing any crimes. These crime prevention techniques are basically designed to lessen the prospects of committing specific crimes by people. And these techniques are further known as the Situational Crime Prevention Techniques. In the world today the crime rate is increasing day by day as the punishments granted by the government have not proved enough for the culprit to avoid the offense the next time. Seeing this situation in the world the criminologists have adopted the way of preventing crime rather than bringing the criminals to justice. And thus the process of 'Situational Crime Prevention' came into use. This word derived by the criminologists meant to make the offenders avoid the crimes they are about to commit through different ways. The opportunities which the offenders get due to lack of security and other factors are analyzed by the criminologists. By the process of Situational Crime Prevention the criminologists aim to lessen the opportunities which the offenders are getting to commit the crime. i.e. if a person who is rich and does not get protection from guards may have the chance to get robbed. And here the role of the Crime Prevention comes when they make the rich person have proper securi ty. The problem of crime was arising in the housing sector when the burglars were entering the houses and robbing the people of their possessions. This situation was closely analyzed by the criminologists and a solution was sorted out with the help of Situational Crime Prevention. This solution made the houses have a good architectural design which would make the offenders avoid entering the premises of the house. For e.g. if the house is well lit in the night and secured, the offenders would avoid taking the risk of entering it. Similarly other Situational Crime Prevention techniques make use of such tools and designs. The techniques included the better structuring of buildings and the possible targets being secured more properly. The possible targets were analyzed by their market demand. Situational Crime Prevention is based on some principles so as to the crime can be fully avoided. The set-up of a certain possible target is made such that the effort required to rob or commit a c rime on that target is made much higher. This discourages the offender from committing the crime. For e.g. to enter a certain building one may have to cross the walls but the walls of the building would be made so tall that no person would be able to enter it without support. Similarly the risk involved in committing a crime would be made such that the offender would not dare to commit it. For e.g. the security alarms would be so enhanced that any person who may enter the premises may be caught or the person may be shot dead at the very moment. In particular the security of a certain place or person would be increased. The rewards or the loot of the possible target would be made as lower as possible so it wouldn't attract the offenders. The governments are taking such measures that the stolen material is not easily sold in the market. And anyone caught selling it may be brought to justice by the court of law. Car stereos are being made removable so that it is not easy to steal these stereos. And lastly the feeling

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ree speech on the Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ree speech on the Internet - Essay Example This is why terror groups use the internet to upload images of inhuman executions and issue terror threats with intent of causing panic and disruption of normal day to day operations. When such information is posted on the internet, it is quickly distributed to countless individuals through social media and other platforms such as email. This makes it impossible to extract such information from the public domain. With restrictions, such information cannot be uploaded to the internet since the source will be afraid that the information will be easily traced to him if control mechanisms are installed. This enhances the security situation of a country and the world at large. Secondly, the internet has been changed into an immoral world where materials such as hate speech, pornography and other lewd materials can be carelessly made available to the general public including underage children. Hate speech is capable of causing public unrest to the extent of causing riots and civil unrest. Unrestricted postage of pornography leads to moral decay since children who frequent the internet are bound to land onto this content. With restricted free speech on the internet, individuals issuing hate speech can be easily be traced for prosecution. Pornographic material made available to the general public including under age children can be controlled and minimized for the benefit of the society. Last but not least, the internet’s purpose is diluted when unrestricted free speech is allowed. Unrestricted speech means that information can be made available to a target audience without confirmation of how legit it is. The internet is an important tool for passing out information. With unrestricted free speech, the internet’s credibility and purpose of sharing information is jeopardized. Establishment of some level of restriction ensures that information

Monday, October 28, 2019

Health Care Delivery Systems Essay Example for Free

Health Care Delivery Systems Essay Abstract The American health care system is designed to focus on the organizations of individuals, places, and to treat and prevent adequate health care for the target populations. The federal government conducts an immense portion of delivering health care systems in our world today. The purpose for health care delivery systems is to provide financial tangible benefits and provide health care services for the population and institutions. The results showed for the support of the hypothesis is elaborating in the importance of different health care delivery systems and the purpose in how they are utilized in today’s health reform. Running Head: Health Care Delivery Systems Essay Health Care Delivery Systems Health care systems engage the initial contact of people and it is the foundation of primary health care. In order to receive primary health care it begins with providing a service to families, people, and communities through health professionals and their teams. The Health care delivery systems is involved with a proactive method to prevent health issues and to better ensure the organization and to investigate once a health issue has transpired. In addition, these type of services are publicly funded from general tax revenues without direct charges to the patient (Health Canada, 2011). The most two similar forms of health care delivery systems is managed care systems ex. (HMO) and fee for service (FFS). The fee for service plan is generally called Traditional Indemnity (Website 101, 2009). Fee for service offers flexible measures for the exchange of drastically high out of pocket expenses, it also requires a substantial amount of paperwork and premiums are high. Furthermore, some advantages are having the privilege in selecting hospitals and physicians of your own, and having the opportunity in receiving treatment from a specialist without a primary doctor referral. The disadvantages are high deductibles and the patient is responsible of paying twenty percent and the physicians are obligated to reimburse eighty percent of the expensive. Also, fee for service solely pays for â€Å"reasonable  and customary† health issues (website, 101). Doctors may have a different medical fee opposed to other areas, and the patients are obligated to pay their portion that is instated in health plan coverage. However, HMO is the less expensive and less flexible of all medical coverage’s. The advantages are consist of less paperwork and low copayments. It provides for a portion of improvement health preventive care plans. Unfortunately, there is disadvantages that the health care holder will experience with in choosing a PCP which is a primary care physician, and the HMO plan only accepts a network of their physicians or they will not stand up to the obligation of their financial transaction argument. In addition, in order for the client to see a specialist they must obtain a referral from their PCP. The expression Alternative Delivery Systems is created to entail all techniques of health care delivery systems barring acceptable fee-for-service and private practice like IPAs, PPOs, HMOs, and all other health care systems that provide health care of who conducts organized care systems. ( For example, Managed Care is a health care delivery system that merges payment and the delivery. It also accesses the use of treatments by engaging organization strategies creating to enhance the growth of cost-effective in the delivery of health care. Managed health care plan is a system that assimilates any management with in accordance of finance that delivers health care services of the covered population. In contrast, PPO also known Preferred Provider Organization is the delivery system that commits with medical care providers who gives discounted fees to clients. Nevertheless, clients have the opportunity to give health care to participants who are not members but can potentially become financial penalized due to any action of seeking out side providers and face consequences of not receiving discount and any deductibles of one’s health care plan and copayments. Goals of Health Care Delivery Systems. The reason HMO’s are unique because they prepaid and they are managed care systems that initially were health care alternative to fee-for-service health care. There goals is to obtain affordable and comprehensive health care coverage. This plan is conducted in advance by the option of a fixed fee from all members. Moreover, HMO delivers minimal cost for medical services that are needed for patients, and this health plan is responsible  in conducting the deliver and finance portion of the medical health care services. They also arrange to provide the essential medical care which includes the benefit packages. Prepaid Health Plans (PHP) is known to help make quality health care affordable for groups of people, including farmers, blue collar workers and their families† (Ahern, 2007) . In contrast, the traditional health care insurance only funds health coverage for hospital visits, and enrolled insures that receive health coverage in prepaid plans is charged a predetermined for acute and preventive health care from doctors who work in hospitals. As for PPOs, their health care philosophy originally was to create simple concepts in delivering health care services to large groups with lower rates in order to substantially gain a business development for their management. To emphasize, insures can select their own physician’s however penalties can potentially occur if they are not with the network. This form of health coverage is engaged in receiving adequate power with lower health care prices for their clients in the standing of the dense health care system in America. The fee for service (FFS) is ultimately focusing in creating options to approach paid private insurances to gain more control relating with time and the forms of treatment. FFS is designed to reflect on an ideal perspective for private health care plans, instead of government-administered pricing and giving proper recognition in private health care plans that can utilize health care organizations productively. This method will enhance quality and proficie ncy in delivering a regenerated approach in the health care industry (Nicolas, O’ Malley, 2007). Mission Statement If I had full control of conducting a health care delivery system I would focus in offering health care insurance for businesses, government organizations, people, families, groups, and schools. Also, I feel flexibility is significant for the process of selecting your own choice of primary doctors in the same network and receive great service with affordable payments. The health care delivery system will project and promote exceptional quality health care service is the HMO plan. This health plan will contribute in supporting by over exceeding expectations of all parties which includes employees, communities, work force, stake holders, investors, and customers.